What To Do When A Pregnant Dog Refuses To Eat?

Perhaps changing the diet or adopting a lighter diet, along with a little exercise, will solve a dog’s lack of appetite during pregnancy. As a last resort, it may be necessary to go to the vet.
What to do when a pregnant dog refuses to eat?

If our dog has no appetite, we worry, which is normal. However, if our pregnant dog does not eat, the worry increases even more. After all, this not only endangers our pet’s life, but also that of future puppies. Do you want to know what to do in this situation? Let’s see this article.

Why does my pregnant bitch refuse to eat?

As we always say, before trying to solve a problem, we must find the cause of it. In this case, it is essential to know the reasons why our dog does not want to eat.

The first thing to understand is that although she is a bitch, her pregnancy is not much different from that of a human being. Therefore, your hormones vary drastically, nausea appears, weight, heat and many other factors influence your mood and appetite.

pregnant labrador bitch

So, due to these reasons, it is very likely that a pregnant dog will not want to eat for a few hours or even a few days.

This shouldn’t alarm us any more than the bill. Nausea, especially, is one of the main reasons why our pet would refuse food.

Of course, these symptoms will be normal as long as they appear after the third week of pregnancy. If this happens sooner, it’s best that you go to the vet, as the cause could be more serious.

Another reason could be that as physical activity decreases, your food portions also decrease. When you look at your bowl, you will see that she is eating less than normal.

However, this is not a bigger problem. It could also be that, due to changes in her body, she doesn’t like the taste of the food on offer.

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What do I do if my pregnant dog doesn’t want to eat?

Once we’ve identified some of the best-known causes why a pregnant dog doesn’t eat, it’s time to take action to address the problem.

While some of the causes aren’t of great concern, it’s true that after a while it becomes a danger to mothers and babies, so it’s time to act.

Here are some tips you can follow if your pregnant dog doesn’t eat:

put smaller portions

You already know that pregnant women sometimes get sick, so to speak, from food. It’s possible that if your dog goes through a moment like this and sees too much food on your plate, she’ll get sick and won’t even go near it. You can try placing small portions at various times of the day.

change the ration

If you think your dog doesn’t like the feed, try finding another one with a different flavor. If you have chicken, switch to veal or fish. Ask at a veterinary store if there is a specialized feed for pregnant dogs.

Adopt a milder diet

If even after changing the feed, your pregnant dog does not eat, try the BARF diet. Maybe a change is what you need.

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Clean food and water dishes once a day

Both the feeder and the drinker must be clean and always have fresh food and water. Pregnant bitches become more delicate with the issue of cleanliness.

Try to get your pregnant bitch to exercise

If you think your dog’s lack of appetite may be due to lack of exercise, try changing the routine and adding more exercise to her.

Walking is not bad for pregnant bitches, on the contrary. Take long, slow walks with her and see if that increases her appetite.

take to the veterinarian

scanner in veterinary medicine

If after trying all these measures you don’t get results, take your dog to the vet, especially if it’s been 24 hours since the last meal. If she is refusing to drink water, take her before this time passes, as she could become dehydrated.

So rest assured. With a little effort you can get your dog back to eating properly.

If not, there are always veterinarians specialized in any type of problem that she may have. Just write down the tips given in this article and everything will be a scare.

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