What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Perfumes For Dogs?

Although the scent of fragrances can be pleasant for humans, an excess of scents for dogs can cause socialization or behavioral problems, given the sensitivity of the canine’s sense of smell.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of perfumes for dogs?

Smells are very important to animals because they allow them to get to know others or identify a danger. For this reason, many veterinarians discourage the use of dog perfume. However, others say that, in small amounts, these fragrances can improve the relationship with people.

Dog perfumes: yes or no?

As pet owners, we want them to always be pristine, clean and fragrant. However, this is not possible, even if we take them to the pet shop every week. Furthermore, excessive hygiene is also not good for your health.

Soaps or shampoos – even those that are suitable for dogs – ‘drag’ microorganisms from the skin and hair. Furthermore, they hinder the emission of pheromones with which animals communicate with each other.

Unlike what happens to people, who perfume themselves and use deodorant after bathing with soap, animals like their own personal scent.

However, they also perfume themselves! Not with a French cologne or an imported fragrance… They do it with what they have available, like grass, blanket, or even other animal waste.

The problem is that living with a pet that smells like a dog, as we often hear, is not very pleasant. That’s why pet owners choose to use dog perfumes, those that are available at specialty stores.

dog colonies

Now, is it good or bad for your dog to scent you every time he returns from the park or when it rains? For you it will be perfect because the animal will smell like ‘roses’, but for him it won’t be so good.

There are some pets that, when wearing perfume, do not want to leave the house or fight with other dogs when they are outside. This is because this change in personal scent disorients them and does not allow others of their kind to recognize it.

Dog Perfumes: Changing Your Perceptions

When we apply perfume to our pet, we only think from the human point of view. We consider what a good or bad aroma is according to our rational idea, but in other animals this is not the case.

Dogs have a much more developed sense of smell than ours, and that’s the first difference. Maybe for you a little fragrance isn’t bad, but for your pet it’s like you’re throwing quarts and quarts of cologne.

Also, the scent you like might not be so good for your dog. Therefore, he may feel the need to take it off or cover it as much as possible.

It is not surprising that, after being perfumed, the animal starts running and rubbing itself against everything in its path, including something repugnant to human beings: feces, dead animals, garbage, etc.

Another negative effect of perfume for dogs has to do with the animal’s socialization. If you often take him to the park, you’ve probably noticed that as soon as he arrives, he starts “sniffing out” all the pets that surround him. This ceremonial greeting is their way of recognizing and identifying intent.

Specific fragrances for dogs

What can I do to make my dog ​​smell good?

As a first step, you should ask yourself what it means to ‘smell good’. After all, your definition is probably very different from that of the animal. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t bathe him or clean his fur. It simply means that you need to avoid excesses.

Try just a few drops of dog perfume and see if your pet has any behavioral changes. To prevent it from developing bad odors, bathe it every two weeks and ventilate the animal’s rooms and belongings well.

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