Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

The internet has already put Corgi into fashion outside of England, the country from which they originated and where they are very popular. With their likable looks but striking personality, they have all the elements to become the kings of viral videos. There are two varieties of Welsh Corgi, but in this article we’re going to focus on the Welsh Corgi Cardigan.

History of the Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

First, it is worth noting that the Corgi is one of the oldest breeds in England, as it is estimated that the first specimens appeared about 3,000 years ago.

Their life and work are linked to the farms, and if they first played the role of watchdogs, then they also demonstrated herding skills. In this way, they became the smallest breed of herding and herding dogs . They herded cattle and did their work by nibbling the hind legs of oxen.

Over the centuries, other herding dogs appeared, and farmers no longer needed the Corgi. In fact, they were on the verge of extinction, until in 1934 the differences between the Welsh Corgi of Pembroke and the Welsh Corgi of Cardigan became clear, and then Breed Friends Clubs began to promote them. Today, the former is more popular, but the Cardigan is no longer in danger.


The Welsh Corgi Cardigan is a small size dog compared to other herding dogs. As an adult, it measures only about a foot at the withers and usually weighs about 15 pounds. However, it has a tendency to put on weight and it is common to see heavier Corgis.

Its body has long proportions with short legs and strong bones, which gives it a compact and strong look at the same time. It is related to the teckel.

The head resembles that of a fox. The front is triangular and long, with a black tip. The ears are very large in proportion to the size of the body, with a rounded tip and erect above the head.

The big physical difference between the Welsh Corgi Cardigan and Pembroke’s it is found on the tail: the one of the Cardigan Corgi is long with long fur, with a spongy appearance like that of a foxes. The Pembroke Corgi has no tail or is very cured.

The fur is short or very short, and has a very dense undercoat layer. The fur of this breed has many varieties of colors: mottled blue, brown, striped, red, tricolor with black spots or tricolor with white spots. The nose, chest and line that descends to the abdomen are white in color.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan


The Welsh Corgi Cardigan is a dog used to herd cows and oxen, even though it measures only 30 centimeters in height. You have to be brave and bark a lot to be able to do your job.

He is very faithful to his human family and, as a dog that was used to protect land, he distrusts strangers. He also doesn’t like to be friends with other dogs and can be independent or little fun with his companions. However, they are sociable with other animals.

It is an active and intelligent dog that needs physical care, but especially mental. A stressed or bored Welsh Corgi Cardigan will tend to herd its humans, as it learned to do with cows: with foot nibbles. There are other herding dogs, like the Border Collie, that when stressed, herd.

As they are very intelligent, they can be trained and enjoy mental care. This, of course, always with a positive focus and without punishment, fear or pain. As he is very brave, he will not attend to anyone who tries to exert force on him.


Regarding care, as the breed is generally in good health, it is only necessary to take into account the usual veterinary needs of any dog.

Because they are long, you need to periodically check the health of your back: pain, contractures or tiredness are the most frequent problems. They are prone to hip dysplasia and eye diseases.

In addition, they tend to be obese and we must be careful with what they eat and how much. You also need to allow them to exercise to release their energy.

The Welsh Corgi Cardigan breed has survived for over 3000 years thanks to their bravery, their ability to work and their loyalty to their human family. Knowing their history, we understand better why they became the protagonists of so many viral videos.

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