Types Of Mites That Affect Pets

Types of mites that affect pets

Not only fleas and ticks feed on our dog or cat. There are other organisms that invade the skin and fur of animals and cause different diseases. In this text, we tell you what types of mites affect pets.

Mites that affect dogs

Mites are small microorganisms that, like other parasites, invade the skin and fur of dogs and cats alike.

They cause mild or severe injuries, and the most common illnesses they cause are scabies and dermatitis.

mange dog

It is necessary to know that they are very contagious, and that, if they find a favorable environment, they reproduce very easily. Because there are different types of mites that affect pets, the treatments are not the same in each case. It is always recommended to consult a veterinarian.

These microscopic beings only need light contact with animals – for example when playing in the parkand are the cause of various skin diseases. In the case of dogs and cats, the most common are: 

  1. Sarcopts scabiei kennels

They are responsible for sarcoptic mange, or common mange, which appears after the female mite digs several “tunnels” in the dog’s skin and deposits her eggs there. Dogs are allergic to their saliva and droppings, so they start scratching and biting themselves hard until they hurt.

dog with extreme mange

  1. Demodex Kennels

Another type of mite that affects pets and causes mange is called demodectic. It develops when dogs have a weakened immune system.

Symptoms are: red and itchy areas of the body. When mange is widespread, it causes skin infections and a worsening of the dog’s overall health.

  1. cheyletiella yasguri

This mite causes what is known as “walking dandruff disease”, another type of scab that is a little lighter than the previous ones. It is common in puppies. 

owner brushing dog's fur

  1. otodectes cynotis

This type of mite lodges in the dog’s ears, and causes scabies and ear infections when the female creates holes in the skin of the dog’s ear conductor to lay her eggs.

Veterinarian examining dog ear

In addition, it causes an allergic reaction in the animal while it feeds on secretions and keratin in the region. One way to detect this disease is to observe the dog: if it moves its head a lot to the sides or if it scratches its ears a lot.

Mites that affect cats

While some types of mites are “shared” by dogs and cats, others are more common in felines. The symptoms and development, however, are very similar.

  1. demodex cati

Also called demodex gatoi, it is the type of mite that causes mange in cats. A less common disease than dogs, but one that we also have to take into account.

The symptoms are seen with the emergence of red bumps that cause ulcers, loss of hair and constant itching.

  1. Cati Notoheders

In this case, it causes what is known as “cat’s head mange”, similar to the sarcoptes scabiei mite of dogs, and is caught by direct contact with an infected animal.

Lesions appear on the animal’s head or neck, and are very itchy. The feline hurts with its nails from scratching, so there may be infections or wounds, a result of the development of this parasite.

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