Types Of Eagles: Behavior And Habitat

Types of eagles: behavior and habitat

Although they have common physical characteristics and behaviors, due to their status as birds of prey, there are a total of 30 different types of eagles.

Eagles have a set of characteristics that identify them even in the diversity of species. Their clear vision allows them to view their prey from above.

In addition, its pointed beak and claws facilitate the moment of attack and the subsequent capture of victims.

In terms of diversity, nearly 30 types of eagles have been catalogued. So, below, we will see some of the most representative of the species.

Types of eagles

Royal Eagle

Top of the list, for being one of the most abundant on the planet. We can find it in North America, Russia, Japan, Great Britain, the Mediterranean and North Africa.

They draw attention for their large dimensions, up to two and a half meters in females and two meters in males. In addition, the golden eagle has brown tones all over the body, up to the calf.

When it flies down, diving, it reaches a speed of 250 km/h. They generally hunt rodents as well as medium-sized animals such as young wild boar or deer.


Tropical forests are the natural habitat of this eagle. Within its species, it is one of the largest and most powerful types of eagles.

In this way, it reaches nine kilos and up to two meters in length. The average life of these specimens is up to 40 years. Its plumage is grayish with darker bands and stripes on the wings and head.

Harpy: one of the biggest birds that exist

white-headed eagle

It is the symbolic bird of the North American shield, from which it originates. Also known as the bald eagle, it is recognized by its white head feathers in contrast to its dark body.

In addition, they can measure up to two meters and weigh two and a half kilos. This long-lived animal can reach up to 60 years of life.

American Eagle

eastern imperial eagle

Its natural habitat spans Asia, Eastern Europe and East Africa. However, it is also possible to find it in the Austrian mountains and Cyprus.

It is often confused with the golden eagle, although the imperial eagle is smaller. Also, the whitish hue of the tip of its tail is its distinguishing feature.

eastern imperial eagle

crowned eagle

Of the types of eagles that populate the planet, the crowned eagle is one of the most elegant. Its grayish plumage can be seen in sub-Saharan Africa.

crowned eagle

steller eagle

Daughters of the Pacific, these eagles are native to Japan, Korea and northern China. His favorite food is salmon.

They can hunt you in mid-flight or even dive into the water (check out stunning footage in this video). Their large orange beak and their curved walk make them extraordinary and original.

types of eagles: steller

Iberian imperial eagle

It is distinguished by white on the upper part of the wings and shoulders, in contrast to the dark brown plumage of the rest of the body.

Adult specimens can weigh between three and three and a half pounds. Also, as with all types of eagles, females are larger than males.

types of eagles: the Iberian imperial

Philippine eagle

Reigning in the Philippine jungles, this huge raptor weighing up to seven kilos can live up to 60 years. Your favorite foods are lemurs, monkeys, snakes or even other birds.

Philippine eagle

harris eagle

It lives from the southwest of the United States to Argentina. Its proportions make it the average size among the world’s eagle types. These birds are distinguished by having rounded feathers,  with white lines at the tip of the tail.

harris eagle

squire eagle

Proprietary from South America, this specimen lives in the rocky heights of Peru and Chile. Its feathers have a soft gray tone all over the body, except for the ventral area.

It measures between 80 cm and 1 meter and its food is based on snakes, rodents and small animals. It is recognized for its unique flight of short steps and high tail.

squire eagle

Verreaux’s eagle

She inspired Sub-Saharan and Southern Arab poets with her presence. Its feathers are almost black, shiny, with a white line in the shape of a ‘V’ on the back. In general, they lay one to two eggs and the chicks are born after 45 days of incubation.

Verreaux's eagle

Crested eagle

It is recognized by the feathers that appear on its head. In addition, it receives other names, such as lesser harpies or moƱudas eagles . It is typical of Central and South America. However, its distribution reaches the north of Argentina.

crested eagle

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