Tips For Socializing Your Pet

Advice for socializing your pet

We decided to have a pet with the hope of filling our house with joy. But it is necessary to be careful, because the loyalty of animals must not be turned into possession. Therefore, socializing your pet is a fundamental condition for a healthy coexistence.

Dogs and cats have their origins in wolves and felines. For these animals, taking possession of a territory and the food available around it is a guarantee of survival for themselves and their group. Therefore, a little aggressiveness is vital for your pet. And the socialization process will not completely eliminate that instinct.

It is important to have the help of a veterinarian and a handler to socialize dogs that are struggling to do so.

What is the socialization process?

Like humans, animals also need to learn to live in society.

Socializing your pet is not an overnight process. Socialization practices teach an animal to relate more smoothly with humans and other animals. The likelihood of aggressive behavior is considerably reduced.

shy dog

The process also includes the partial loss of sensitivity to different stimuli from the external environment.

Why socialize your pet?

The socialization process protects the animal, the owner, and everyone else. Among other things, because an animal can react violently to certain people and other animals that invade its territory.

It is a myth that some races are doomed to be aggressive, while others are never violent. Every animal has its instinct for self-protection. When they feel threatened, they can react unexpectedly.

Each animal reacts differently depending on the context. There is not a violent race by nature. What does exist is an animal subjected to violent behavior, or that was not properly socialized.

Therefore, the best way to protect your pet is to educate it to have socially acceptable behavior.

General rule: socialize from the first stage of life

It is very important to start socializing in the first stage of your pet’s life. Like human babies, puppies are like sponges. They more easily absorb the learning provided.

Puppies still don’t have bad habits and it’s easier to shape their personality.

The optimal time to start socializing your pet is between the fourth and twentieth week of life. It is at this point that the animal develops its first skills of living with the external environment.

The social stimuli must be proposed gradually. We will start by introducing the puppies to other people and other animals in our environment. It also works to invite friends and family to bring their pets to your home. This way, our puppy will understand that he must amicably share his territory.

After completing the first vaccinations, it is good to incorporate tours to diverse environments. Start by diversifying paths on recurring tours. Go through different streets, with a different community and with other animals. If possible, take your pet to visit parks, the beach, places other than the city he is used to.

socializing an adult dog

It is not always possible to socialize your pet from the very first stage of its life. If you want to introduce a new member to the family, or adopt an adult animal, it’s important to learn to socialize them.

Starting to socialize an adult dog is much more difficult than a puppy. Mainly because the animal may have developed bad habits and be very possessive with its territory.

socializing an adult cat

Cats are extremely territorial. Therefore, feline friends deserve special attention when socializing.

The first step is not to think that cats don’t need to socialize because they are already independent. Cats also exhibit aggressive behavior for possession of their territory and its owner.

Practical tips for socializing an adult cat

do not oblige

Cats are more reserved than dogs. Therefore, the process of interacting with people and other animals is slower and more gradual.

cat receiving affection

It is necessary to be patient and not force the cat to do anything against its will.

Physical and mental games

It is not very common to take a cat for a walk or to exercise on the street. This could cause terror in her pussy. But it is also necessary and possible to offer an active life to a domestic feline.

We can play games to develop the cat physically and mentally. Take advantage that cats are very smart.

introduce to other cats

We will start by bringing a trustworthy cat into our home. But only for 1 or 2 hours. And we won’t force the two cats to interact directly. Over time, they themselves will be curious to interact with each other.

Main image source: whiz-ka

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