The Animal With The Biggest Beak

The size of this part of the birds’ body, as well as their shapes, is not a mere matter of aesthetics, but varies according to their needs.
The animal with the biggest beak

Birds’ beaks reveal a lot about their lifestyle  and species-specific characteristics. It is, without a doubt, one of its most distinctive features. In this article, we’ll talk about the animal with the largest beak in the world.

The Australian Pelican, the bird with the biggest beak

Birds’ beaks play a vital role in their daily activity. Longer, shorter, curved or thicker will all depend on the animal’s needs.

It is possible to know a little of the bird’s habits and lifestyle according to the type of beak it has.

In this sense, a question we can ask ourselves is: which of all bird species has the biggest beak? The answer to that question is the Australian Pelican.

The Australian Pelican or Goolayyalibee (picture that opens this article) is the animal with the largest beak in the world.

This species measures about 1.80 meters and  its beak has an average size of 46 centimeters in length. 

Pelicans ‘ beaks   form one of the most important aspects of their anatomy.

Its shape is essential for hunting and later storing food, or for catching fresh water  in the bag or gular bag, which forms at the bottom of the beak.

very original nozzles

the hummingbird

In relation to the size of its body, the sword-beak hummingbird is the only bird in the world whose beak is larger than the rest of its body.

The sword-beak hummingbird can reach a total of 15 centimeters, including the beak. It has the largest bird’s beak in the world in relation to its body size.

sword beak hummingbird

the toucan

Without a doubt, one of the most striking features of the toucan is its huge beak.

In the toucan, the beak fulfills a vital function for its life, as it works as an effective temperature regulator.

The beak absorbs high temperatures, as it deflects the animal’s body heat, allowing it to cool down.


shoe toe

One of the most peculiar beaks in the animal world belongs to the bird  Balaeniceps rex , better known as the shoe beak.

Originally from Africa, specifically Uganda, it is a bird that  feeds on frogs and fish found in stagnant waters.

shoe toe

The most distinctive and peculiar beaks of birds


The spoonbill is another bird that has a very peculiar beak. It lives in the wetter areas of the United States and also in South America.

Its beak looks like the tongs used to pick up salad.



These small birds, which can measure up to 17 centimeters,  have a very peculiar beak, which crosses rather than fits the upper part with the lower part.

The characteristic shape of this beak  allows them to extract the seeds of certain plants, such as pine trees.

cruza-bico ave

Nozzle Functions

As we saw before,  the birds’ beaks fulfill a function that goes beyond the colorful or aesthetic appearance, hence the variety of their shapes.

In the case of pelicans, specifically the Australian pelican, its huge beak is essential for the animal to feed, preserve or transport water.

Among the functions of the beaks, in addition to serving for hunting, it also regulates temperature, extracts seeds and peels fruit. In some cases, it even serves to attract a partner.

It also serves, in many cases, a defense function for the animal.

Another curious way to use the beak is as a tool to transport different materials, for example, to build the nest.

The beak of many birds is prepared for drilling hard surfaces, such as dry wood. In addition, it can also be used as a scissors for cutting some branches.

An important issue in the daily hygiene of birds is the cleanliness of their plumage. Through the beak they can deworm and organize their plumage,  for a better visual appearance.

In conclusion, the animal with the largest beak in the world is the Australian Pelican. With 46 centimeters in length, this species of bird manages to stand out above the others, thanks to this important part of its anatomy.

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