The 5 Most Obedient Dog Breeds: Learn More!

Although this quality is linked to intelligence, the truth is that, for dogs to pay attention, they must be trained from an early age.
The 5 most obedient dog breeds: learn more!

The level of obedience of a pet depends on the teaching received from the puppy. However, the truth is that there are some dog breeds more obedient than others. In this article, we will show you which breeds most accept our instructions.

What are the most obedient dog breeds?

Generally, obedience is related to intelligence. After all, the best breeds are usually highly developed in both virtues. However, for our pet to do what we say,  we must teach it from an early age. Furthermore, we must work with a system of “positive reinforcement”.

If you don’t have a lot of time – nor a lot of patience – to train your dog, we recommend choosing the most obedient dog breeds that exist:

1. Border Collie

He is not only considered the smartest dog, but also the most obedient. According to some research and tests, this breed  has the ability to understand new orders from the fifth repetition onwards. Also,  95% of the time, he obeys instructions in the first order.

In addition, the border collie (picture that opens this article)  is one of the races that wins the most agility  competitions  . This sport consists of leading the dogs so that they can overcome different obstacles. In this way, animals demonstrate their intelligence, obedience, concentration, agility and sociability.

2. Poodle

This breed belongs to the group of collecting dogs. In other words, since their origins, they were related to the aristocracy and the nobility. It is a very happy, active and playful animal. Also, since he is not easily distracted, it is easier to train him for activities that require obedience, such as agility.

Poodle is among the most obedient dogs

The poodle is full of energy, methodical and never gives up. Therefore, it has been used in hunting, but also in surveillance and rescue tasks. In case it is not socialized or taught correctly, it can become a very destructive animal.

3. German Shepherd

When we think of a German Shepherd, we are likely to imagine a  police dog.  After all, this is the breed most chosen for these tasks because of their intelligence, obedience and ability to be alert. They are also used in rescues, as guard and guide dogs for the blind.

german shepherd training

Without a doubt, it is one of the most obedient dog breeds that exist, especially if they are trained from puppies. There is even an exclusive sport for German Shepherds that aims to preserve their characteristics and abilities.

4. Golden Retriever

It is currently the most popular dog in the world. Therefore, it is  mainly chosen by families with small children due to its tenderness and kindness. It is a very happy, affectionate, confident and calm breed, perfect as a pet.

Golden retriever

Golden Retrievers are very smart and need to be trained early to reduce their energy level. He is also chosen as a guide dog and a help, assistance, search and rescue dog. It can sit for a long time in silence if its owner orders it.

5. Doberman

This is another dog that we relate to the police and that, like the German Shepherd, comes from the same European country. In turn, the Dobermann is considered more aggressive or dangerous. Especially because of his eared physiognomy and elongated muzzle.


The Doberman is very obedient, sociable and loyal. Responds without problems to orders and rules imposed by its owner. For this, training must start early. One of the problems with this breed is its sensitivity. He can attack anyone he deems a threat to his family.

If we had to put together a ranking of the 10 most obedient dogs, the next ones on the list would be: Shetland Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Continental Dwarf Spaniel, Australian Shepherd and Rottweiler, in that order.

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