Teach Your Dog To Bite His Toys And Not His Stuff

Teach your dog to bite his toys and not his things

You come home, greet your dog, he is always so happy to see you! You go into the living room, leave your bag and he follows you, you head to the bedroom and he follows you, but when you get there…. He shattered her pillow and her most expensive shoes. You shout his name and, curiously, he is no longer there, he has stopped following you. What a habit he has for biting everything!

This is a typical scene in the home of everyone who has a pet. It’s hard to understand, as we spend dozens of Reais on toys for our pet to play and have fun, but he doesn’t seem to mind, he always prefers our stuff.

When dogs are adults, they lose this habit and become more relaxed, they become guardians of the house instead of destroyers. However, for this to happen it is essential to educate them correctly so that they start biting their toys and not our things. But the question is: how to do this?

How to raise a dog to stop biting my stuff

To better understand this, let’s see the main causes that lead our dog to bite our things and what is the best solution for each of them.



Anxiety is one of the common factors that lead dogs to bite everything, regardless of whether it’s theirs or not. This anxiety is generated by boredom, loneliness, hyperactivity or lack of exercise. Each cause can lead us to a different solution.

If the animal suffers from hyperactivity, it is best to take it to the veterinarian, who will indicate the steps to follow.

Boredom can be caused because you might not pay him much attention when you get home from work, something he’s been craving since you went to work. Spend time with your pet, make him feel loved.

Loneliness occurs when the animal spends many hours alone. Try to leave it, at least part of the time you have to be away, with someone or, optionally, adopt another pet.

Lack of exercise creates an accumulation of energy in your dog that causes him to destroy things. If you want him to stop that, make him run, jump and play as much as possible so he gets tired.


Puppies are more destructive for two reasons: biting is their way of investigating their new environment and why their gums are forming and this is their way of alleviating the pain.

Solution: Buy toys according to your age and that won’t harm your gums. Ask your veterinarian, he is sure he will be able to advise you on some. If they have sound, he’ll love it and won’t want to play with other things.

Another solution, since investigating the environment that surrounds you is something that cannot be avoided, is that you close all the doors where you don’t want the dog to enter and that you try not to leave anything in his reach that he could destroy.


From an early age, get him used to playing with his own toys, always according to his age and size. If you give him some of his things, no matter how old they are, the animal will believe it can take everything that is yours to bite.

watch him

Watch your pet while you’re at home and when you see him biting something he shouldn’t, say a firm “NO”, take the object away from him and give him one of your toys. With patience and perseverance, the animal will soon understand that to bite there are toys and not the rest of the things.

long rides

puppies walking

Before going to work, take long walks with your dog. Drop it somewhere that is allowed and let it run until it uses up all the accumulated energy. When he gets home, he’ll be tired and it’s possible he’ll spend most of the time you’re not home sleeping. This will require a sacrifice on your part, as you will have to wake up earlier, but it will be worth it.

If even so, after making every effort, and your dog is now an adult, he continues to bite your stuff, take him to the vet, as he may have some type of compulsive behavior that can be treated.

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