Rats And Mice: Increasingly Popular

Despite prejudices, rats can establish strong bonds with their owners.
Rats and mice: increasingly popular

The traditional idea of ​​a pet is being increasingly questioned, as the typical dogs, cats and canaries are being incorporated with other species previously despised, such as rats and mice.

Rats and mice have always been considered a problem for humans because they are responsible for important pests that are difficult to eradicate. However, these animals have also  contributed to the progress of science, both in the development of new drugs and in research on neurological processes.

It is important to point out that rats and mice used in the laboratory are not the same as those found in nature, as they were subjected to a domestication process of over 100 years that gave them specific qualities. The attributes that best define them are their intelligence and sociability and, therefore, they were gradually incorporated into the domestic sphere.

Which rodent to choose?

Hamsters or guinea pigs are already established as companion animals. However, rats and mice are the new thing that many pet stores are betting on. Below, we will show some tips that can guide the choice of a rodent.

  • Mice : they  are more nervous animals than hamsters or guinea pigs, which, added to their small size, can represent an extra difficulty in terms of handling.
    • If you are going to buy just one copy, it is preferable for it to be male, as females have a greater need for a group or partner.
    • The most common are albinos and, although each subspecies has its own personality, its sociability stands out. They usually live between one and three years.
  • Ratsintelligent and more affectionate than hamsters and mice, they can form strong bonds with their owners. And this sociability makes them prefer the presence of another mouse.
    • Their size can be an advantage when holding them, but it also requires a bigger cage. Your life expectancy can reach five years.

Rats and mice: increasingly popular

Recommendations for the care of rats and mice

Once you have chosen the rodent in question, it is advisable to find out about the animal’s needs. The fact that these animals have only recently been included in pet shops means that there is a lot of ignorance about their care. Therefore,  in case of doubt, it is advisable to consult specialized veterinarians.

Some of the basic tips are:

  • Accommodation : Both rats and mice should have a cage according to their dimensions. In it, there should be an area that allows them to hide and rest in the dark, and another one exposed to natural light. In the latter, the presence of stimulating elements is recommended, both in physical and mental terms, in order to promote the animal’s abilities. The bed should be covered with sawdust or paper, which should be changed as often as necessary to ensure proper hygiene.
  • Temperature : These animals  are very sensitive to environmental conditions above 30 degrees Celsius. To avoid heat stroke, it is recommended that cages are placed in ventilated areas, free from strong currents and not exposed to direct sunlight.

Rats and mice: increasingly popular

  • Diet : both rodents are characterized by an omnivorous diet, that is, the diet can include both industrialized feed and fresh vegetables and hay. Also, they must have a continuous source of fresh water. It is worth noting that coprophagy – ingestion of feces – is a habitual behavior of these species.
  • Handling : the more these animals are insured, the more their socialization will be promoted. However, this needs to be done  carefully because these species are delicate, even more so in the case of small mice.

Rats and mice are the new trend in pet shops , and the prejudices associated with these rodents are getting farther and farther behind. However, before purchasing one of these animals, it is essential to find out about their specific needs.

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