Pac-man Frog: Care And Characteristics

The pac-man frog is the perfect pet for anyone who wants to have an amphibian, but doesn’t have much experience in caring for these animals.
Pac-man frog: care and characteristics

Have you always wanted an exotic animal, but are afraid of not doing the job? Are you passionate about amphibians, but have little experience to have one of them in your charge? If the answer to these questions is yes, then we guarantee that the pac-man frog is the perfect pet to get started in the world of exotic animals.

Today we bring you an amphibian with a stomach as big as its personality and drive and who is without doubt one of the most famous exotic pets in the terrariophy field. If you’ve thought about owning a pac-man frog or plan to have one in the future, don’t miss out on the information in the following lines.

Initial considerations

The term “pac-man frog” does not refer to a single species, but to several of them, all included in the genus Ceratophrys. We are facing a family of amphibians that is distributed in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina — among other regions — and, therefore, all their species are considered to be of tropical origin.

In general, we can find three different species on the exotic animal market, although they all have the same requirements. Let’s introduce the different varieties in a few lines:

  • Ceratophrys cranwelli:  the most common of all. This species has an albino morphotype, very widespread in portals for the sale of exotic animals.
  • Ceratophrys ornata:  Slightly larger than above, but with the same requirements. It is green in color and has more reddish tones in some points compared to  cranwelli.
  • Ceratophrys cornuta: It  is clearly different from the other two species as it has “horns” very evident above the eyes.

Don’t worry because, in addition to not presenting any legal obstacles,  these species have been bred in captivity for generations. This way, by purchasing one of these frogs, you will not be promoting animal hunting or any illegal practice.

Sapo pac-man: cuidados e características
Standard morphotype (top) and albino morphotype (bottom) of a pac-man frog.

Pac-man frog: captive care

As we’ve said before, we’re dealing with the easiest exotic pet to take care of. Despite this, there are certain requirements that must be taken into consideration before obtaining a copy. We will show them in the following lines.

As far as the terrarium is concerned, dimensions of 50 centimeters in length by 30 centimeters in height and width are enough for one specimen. Although some pac-man frogs reach up to 20 centimeters in diameter, they are amphibians that barely move during their life cycle. There are three possible types of cabin:

  1. A terrarium with only half a finger of water:  this configuration is not recommended because, however comfortable it may be when cleaning, it can cause a lot of stress for the animal.
  2. A terrarium with five centimeters of peat and a dish with water:  in this case, the option is to place a five centimeter layer of coconut fiber or another substrate that stores moisture well. If the frog wants to cool off, it can dip into the water bowl.
  3. A terrarium planted with stones, hiding places and a naturalized environment:  although it is the most beautiful option of all, this type of terrarium can make cleaning very difficult.

The temperature of the terrarium must be between 24 and 30 degrees, which is possible by placing a heating blanket on the outside occupying 1/4 of its surface. Thus, the frog can choose the warmest place to rest whenever he wants.

Professional portals indicate that the terrarium’s relative humidity should be around 80-100%, which can be done by spraying the substrate with water at least twice a day. The substrate must always be damp to the touch, but not soaked.

It is very important to maintain adequate humidity in the animal’s facility,  as amphibians carry out gas exchange through moist skin.

an insatiable appetite

Without a doubt, the most striking feature of the pac-man frog is its voracious appetite. These amphibians simply wait for their prey to pass before them, so they rarely move or actively hunt.

As a general rule, it is estimated that young people should be fed every other day. Once they reach adulthood, meals can be spaced 4-7 days apart. In addition, it is essential that the prey is covered with powdered calcium and vitamins every 2-3 meals, as  these amphibians are very large and need various supplements.

The pac-man frog will eat everything that fits in its mouth and moves, as it generally does not accept dead food: rats, fish, other frogs of its kind, larvae, earthworms, cockroaches, crickets and a long et cetera . Undoubtedly, the best thing is for your basic diet to be made up of insects.

Pac-man frog: care and characteristics

As seen in these lines, the pac-man frog is an ideal amphibian for anyone who wants to start in the world of terrariumophilia. Despite this, there are some specific requirements for this animal and, above all,  you must be careful with the amount of food that is administered.

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