Old-age Care For Puppies

The care of dogs in old age

Today we are going to talk about the most difficult stage in a dog’s life. We are referring to your old age. However, we do not only want to address their basic care, such as food and health, but also the dedication and affection of their owners with them.

Anyone who has a dog knows perfectly well that when we are going to adopt one, we are delighted to see them as puppies, contemplating their growth and development over the years, taking care of their education and ensuring that they do not lack for anything.

But it is also very difficult to see how our dear friend becomes old, starts to have health problems and is not as agile as before.

But do not worry. We from “My Animals” want to teach the care that should be taken in the old age of dogs and also give advice to get used to the law of life; and for our faithful friend to pass through this happy stage. Well, this way we will make this natural process more easily faced.

First signs of the old age of dogs

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The steps of dogs are not only measured by their age, it also depends on the type of breed.

Thus, old age will come at different ages depending on the breed of each dog. Well, old age can be easily detected.

For example,  when we notice that our dog has gray hair, mainly on the face and later extending over the entire coat of the body.

We will also notice that our animal is no longer as agile as it used to be, that it has difficulty exercising and that it is no longer enthusiastic about going out for a walk.

This is because he feels more tired and because his body no longer responds in the same way as before.

It is important to be very careful with this, since if he does not do any physical activity, we run the risk that our pet will suffer from overweight, something that does not help the health of bones and joints.

Diseases such as kidney failure, heart problems, intestinal disorders, etc. can also arise . It is very important that you take your dog to the veterinarian regularly, as this way he will be able to detect possible problems in time.

Food care

As we said before, our dog will no longer do the same physical exercise as before, so he won’t burn the same number of calories. So, you will need to change your diet.

Consult a veterinarian, as at this stage the ideal is to give the dog “senior” type food. We will also have to change the daily amount, but remember that this change should be done little by little, gradually.

A diet rich in fiber and vitamin C is recommended . It would be important to consult a veterinarian and check the need to use natural vitamin supplements, such as spirulina, resveratrol, etc.

Try to feed your dog at fixed times and always in the same place. At this stage of old age, dogs are bothered by changes in the pace or location of their things. It’s also best to split your daily food ration into different parts. This way we can facilitate digestion.

Cares with the body

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Now, more than ever, you must pay close attention to your dog’s body care and hygiene.

Pay even closer attention to your teeth. At this stage in the life of dogs , teeth problems, bad breath, accumulated tartar, etc. begin to appear, which can cause more serious illnesses, some of which can be fatal.

It is necessary to take your dog to the vet to have his teeth examined and, if necessary, to have his mouth cleaned.

It is also important to take care of your nails and especially the spurs, making sure they are not infected, as this can be very painful for him.

That’s why you should take him to the vet to cut them regularly, although you can also do this at home, paying careful attention not to hurt him.

At this stage you should brush your pet’s fur almost daily, as this way you can avoid the appearance of knots and the accommodation of parasites.

Take this time to touch your dog and notice if you have a wart or even a small tumor, and if you notice anything different, consult your veterinarian.

Advice for a happy old age

It is very important to take care of your pet’s physical and mental health. Spend more time with him and take him for a walk, making him a list of daily exercises (you can consult with your veterinarian which would be most appropriate).

Remember that he will have less desire to do physical activity, but it is necessary for him to play and walk daily.

Don’t forget to take your dog to the vet regularly, as we have to increase control at this stage of life.

All these cares are very important for our animal’s health, but something that is essential in your dog’s old age are the caresses and the attention given to him.

Remember that he has been your faithful friend all his life, that you shared a very beautiful time, and now is the time when he will leave little by little. So, it is you who should give him your full attention and affection.

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