Macaws That Blush Similar To Humans!

According to a study, macaws that blush put into practice a form of communication through the face.
Macaws that blush similar to humans!

Macaws are the largest parrots on our planet. These birds have a great emotional intelligence and recently  a study revealed that there are macaws that blush in a similar way to humans.

When humans have emotions as extreme as shame, blood builds up in the blood vessels in our face, causing us to blush. This is nonetheless a form of visual communication, and it seems that other species share it.

the macaws that blush

The Canindé Macaw ( Ara ararauna ) is one of the largest and best known species of parrots. These animals could vary the color of the face and blush with the intention of communicating, as evidenced by researcher Aline Bertin in her latest study.

These birds have a feather-free area in the cheek region, which is white and has black bands. In this work, they monitored both the head feathers and this area of ​​the skin, which allowed them to verify that the macaws seem to blush.

Both the bristling of feathers in the neck area and the redness of this area seem to be related to positive interactions, often occurring when caregivers spoke or interacted with the animals.

This seems to show that macaws can use their faces to communicate more than we think.

Gray Macaw

This curious study was done with a small sample of birds, so no big conclusions should be drawn. However,  it can also allow those who have a parrot as a pet to bond better with their feathered companion.

The blue macaws

This species of macaw is, without a doubt, the greatest representative of this group of large parrots, and it  naturally inhabits the tropical areas of South America, mainly from Paraguay to Panama.

Known for its unique beauty, this animal weighing more than a kilogram and bright colors has blue and yellow plumage. Like other birds in this group, they are another example of  monogamy in the animal kingdom : the birds nest approximately every two years and lay between two and three eggs, which incubate for a month.

pair of macaws

They are amazing birds that, among other things, can eat fruits that are practically poisonous to other animals. To counteract this effect, they usually consume clay, which allows them to have a unique diet so as not to compete with other animals.

Even so, they are especially demanding animals and only people with experience in caring for these birds should consider purchasing one. The ideal is to have several specimens, spend at least two hours a day interacting with them and have a large nursery.

What is clear is that these animals, when bred in captivity, are highly dependent on man’s attention, and it ‘s great to know that macaws blush when they’re enjoying the company.

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