Is It Recommended To Cut Cats’ Nails?

Is it possible to trim a cat’s claws without getting into a scratch fight and ending up with a very disgruntled feline? In this article, we’ll answer those questions and offer some solutions.
Is it recommended to cut cats' nails?

Many pet owners wonder if it is advisable to cut cats’ nails. After all, feline nails grow continuously. Thanks to the function of the flexor tendons, cats’ claws are retractable and therefore visible only when extended. For this reason, they do not wear out naturally.

Before cutting cats’ nails, know the animal’s anatomy

Cat nails are made up of two parts: one part is keratinized, formed by overlapping layers. In turn, the other is the nail bed or base, which contains the nerves and blood vessels. The cat has five toes on its front legs and four on its hind legs. The fifth finger allows the cat to climb.

The use of nails by cats

Nails are involved in almost everything a cat does during waking hours. For example, when he digs in his nails and pulls them against the scratcher’s resistance, the animal energizes and tones his upper body.

During play, its claws hold the flying toys and hold them in place. When he runs through the house and up the stairs, his nails act like nails to provide additional traction.

When climbing its cat house, the animal uses its nails as miniature climbing clips that allow it to reach the top with ease. In addition, the cat uses its claws to scratch, manipulate rats, pass over a narrow bridge, and stay on a surface to maintain stability during cleaning.

Cat scratcher

A scratching cat is a happy cat

The cat scratches to release stress, stake out territory, and exercise muscles. Nails are made for scratching: the strain, visual impact, tearing noise and smells are powerful stress relief for the cat.

The claws are even used in self-expression. For example, a slight extension of the nails is a subtle way of saying, “I’m tired of being hugged and I’m ready to go to the ground.”

In some circumstances, nails are a lifesaver, allowing a cat to climb to safety or thwart an enemy attack. For all these reasons, surgically removing a cat’s claws is considered illegal and is even prohibited in many countries.

What is the best scraper for your cat?

Cats know what to expect from a scratcher. First, the scraper should be located close to where the cat sleeps, as most cats mark territory near their sleeping area.

The cat must also feel that the pole is located in a prominent position, as it makes no sense to mark territory in a location that is not noticeable.

In addition, the main cover should have extensive longitudinal fabric or grain, which allows the cat to nail its nails and travel a long way.

Finally, the pole should be taller than the cat when it is on its hind legs and firm enough not to tip over.

cat's nails

Why clip cats’ nails regularly?

  • Very large nails are curved and do not retract completely. You’ll know if your cat’s nails have grown too long if it gets caught in rugs or other soft surfaces, or if the cat can no longer retract its nails.
  • If the nails are excessively long  they can grow towards the foot pad, which will cause significant pain and mobility problems.
  • In cases of very sedentary or elderly kittens, who do not exercise much and may also neglect their own hygiene, cutting their nails improves their quality of life.
  • To prevent infections. A very long toenail can also cause an infection where it pierces the foot pad. In turn, this can cause your cat more pain and problems.

    If you don’t know if it’s time to trim the cat’s claws, it’s best to leave them uncut. This remains unless your cat’s nails overgrow and are at risk of ingrown or other problems.

    However, if interacting with your cat is more traumatic for you than it is comfortable, it’s okay to simply cut the tips of your nails so they’re a little less sharp.

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