Is It Possible To Have A Hedgehog As A Pet?

Its serene personality, small size and independence are great qualities of this animal, although it is true that in case of health problems there are not so many veterinarians specialized in these exotic animals.
Is it possible to have a hedgehog as a pet?

Different types of animals are being chosen as pets. The era where only dogs and cats had a place in homes is over, and today we see many people who have pets like ferrets, snakes and others. There are many people who wonder, for example, if it is possible to have a hedgehog as a pet. Have you thought about adopting one?

Is it possible to have a hedgehog as a pet?

Certainly, more than once you’ve seen a little  hedgehog  curled into a ball and found it adorable. Yes, they really are adorable and besides, their personality makes them great pets.

Although, of course, like all pets, there are also pros and cons. We’ll tell you all of this so you can decide if a hedgehog is the right pet for you.

hedgehog as a pet

Advantages of Having a Hedgehog as a Pet

  • Calm personality. His docile behavior is one of the great advantages of  having him as a pet. They are not noisy and do not like running, jumping or any other action that involves unrestrained movements, as could be the case with hamsters. Sometimes they emit a soft purr, like a cat, to express that they are okay.
  • They don’t need a lot of interaction. While they enjoy being with you and your family, they don’t require much attention, but they prefer solitude. This makes it an ideal animal if you spend a lot of time outside and it has to be alone.
  • They don’t have to walk. A small cage will suffice to meet your needs. He won’t have to exercise as, due to his small size, the space in his cage is enough for him.
  • They don’t have a smell. When ferrets began to be adopted as pets, those who raised them soon noticed something unpleasant: the smell. This is not something that happens to  hedgehogs, which with good hygiene, both he and his cage do not give off any odor.

    Although many fear hedgehog thorns, they are nothing more than keratin- coated hairs , which bristle at the threat of attack. He is unlikely to use this against you if you treat him with care.

    hedgehog as a pet

    Disadvantages of having a hedgehog as a pet

    In addition to the pros, we will also present the cons:

    • They cannot be together. It’s possible that if you decide to have a hedgehog as a pet, you’d prefer to have two to keep you company. Well, this is not the case with this animal. It is impossible for two hedgehogs to live together and both to survive. It is not known exactly where this spirit of competition comes from, but if they unite, they will fight to the death.
    • They shouldn’t just be in the cage. Although it’s their main habitat, they’ll need you to take them out from time to time to walk around the house. This can mean feces and urine around the house, although given its size, this isn’t very boring or serious.
      • They are not good for children. As we said before, their personality is calm, but they can’t handle stress either. Children will love picking it up to play with, but the hedgehog can have an adverse reaction, such as activating its sharp defense.
      • He will need a specialized veterinarian. Not all veterinarians are aware of all animals. In the case of the hedgehog, which is considered an exotic animal, it will require a  veterinarian specialized  in this type of animal to treat its health, which turns out to be delicate.

      Based on the information we provide, only you can decide if you want and can have a hedgehog as a pet. If you decide to adopt one, know that you will have very tender moments with him. Enjoy them!

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