How To Take Care Of Your Dog In Winter

How to take care of your dog in winter

When winter approaches, we tend to take certain precautions so that low temperatures affect us as little as possible. Pets should not be left out of this care. That’s why today we’ll tell you how to take care of your dog in winter.

the furry and the cold

With the exception of some cold-resistant breeds, such as the Nordics, dogs suffer from low temperatures just as humans do. So don’t neglect your fur during low temperatures.

Also, be especially careful if your dog suffers from any illness, especially of respiratory origin, or if it is:


  • Cub
  • Old man
  • of small race
  • an animal with few hairs

Good food to take care of your dog in winter

A nutritious, balanced and good quality diet is the basis for both humans and pets to stay healthy. Therefore, in times of cold, be sure to give your furry friend a food -homemade or commercial- suitable for their size, age and particular characteristics.

A well-nourished dog will have high defenses and the possibility that he will get sick will be lower. But don’t confuse quality with quantity. So, don’t overfeed your pet. This will lead to overweight. And remember the negative consequences this condition has on both people and animals.

Also, as your furry is more likely to reduce physical activity on days of extreme cold, pay close attention to the amount of food you give him. In the slightest doubt, consult the veterinarian so that he can indicate the convenient amounts.

Dogs suffer in the cold as much or more than people. Therefore, it is important that you know how to take care of your dog in winter, providing good nutrition, proper hygiene and protection from the cold, among other things.

Care for dogs that remain in the backyard of houses and during walks

The ideal is that, in the face of low temperatures, the animal stays much of the time inside the house. But if you insist on leaving it out, make sure it’s well protected. Provide him with a little house that will keep him isolated from humidity, rain and cold.

Also, try to plan your outings at times when it’s less cold. And on days when temperatures are very low, reduce the time spent on tours. And always wear it in a suitable outfit. Also have a waterproof coat on hand in case it rains.

The important thing is to avoid sudden changes in temperature. It is not good that, if the animal is in a warm environment and, suddenly, you take it outside without any kind of protection.

But, although the time for exercise and play is reduced outside, try, as far as possible, to keep your pet active both physically and mentally – with some activity that can be developed inside the house.

Taking care of your dog in winter, other factors to consider


The coat of dogs is one of the main tools for him to defend himself against climate change. So, if the idea of ​​taking him to the bath and shaving to cut his fur has crossed your mind, put off shaving until spring. But, brush it often to keep your fur coat well taken care of and remove dead fur.

When bathing him, do it in a warm place away from drafts. Although it can resist, use a hair dryer to prevent it from spending too much time wet. And if you notice that your nose and paw pads are a little dry from the cold, use some product recommended by the veterinarian for these specific cases.

Before winter sets in, take your friend to the vet and make sure all his vaccinations are up to date and that he is free of parasites. It is very important that the pet is protected against kennel cough, which can be the gateway to other more complicated illnesses.

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