How To Stop Your Dog’s Hiccups

How to stop your dog's hiccups

Hiccups also affect our dogs and are just as irritating to them as to us. Furthermore, they cannot solve this problem on their own and need our help. That’s exactly why we’ll give you some advice that will help calm your dog’s hiccups.

what is the hiccup

Hiccup is a spasm of the diaphragm, which causes a lot of discomfort in your pet, just as it does in humans. However, just like in the case of people, a bout of hiccups is not a concern. However, it is essential that you remain calm and remember that your pet will be fine whether or not the hiccup passes.

How to stop hiccups in dogs

Puppies are more likely to suffer from hiccups, and in all cases, whatever the furry’s age, the symptoms will disappear within a few minutes.

Still, if the attack lasts longer than 30 minutes, or if the animal experiences nausea or other worrisome symptoms, it is best to see a veterinarian immediately.

How to stop hiccups in dogs

We’ve all heard the myth that hiccups go away after a scare. However, this will not work with our four-legged friends, and other techniques will have to be used. We’ve listed the most effective ones below.

play with your dog

Distracting the animal with games and games is the best way to make it forget the hiccup and make the symptoms disappear completely faster than you think. If that doesn’t solve the problem, don’t panic. As we have said, hiccups are not serious, as long as they are not accompanied by other symptoms.

offer him food

The hiccups, in most cases, appear after the animal eats too fast, which changes the breathing patterns and causes that irritating noise and small spasms that bother so much.

Giving the dog something to eat can change breathing again, returning it to a normal state and eliminating hiccups.


Water can perform the same function as food, changing breathing. No wonder this is the first attitude we take when we suffer from a hiccup crisis. And this will also work with your pet.


Although they say scare doesn’t work with dogs, some people recommend surprising the animal at least once to see if it works. Scaring him more than once will only make the dog suspicious of you, making the situation worse.


There is nothing better to change your breathing than physical activity. Go out with your furry to run, walk or any other activity that he enjoys, even if it is playing in puddles of water or mud. This can control the hiccup.

If it doesn’t, at least the dog will be entertained and forget about the irritating symptoms. Who knows so they won’t disappear?


stop hiccups in dogs

Photo: Scott Horvath

It doesn’t matter how long ago you bathed your friend, even if it was yesterday. Almost no dog likes to bathe and just see you get the towel for him to run and try to get rid of the water. These efforts can change the animal’s breathing, managing to stop the hiccup.

Hiccup in dogs is not such a worrying problem to be treated in veterinary clinics,  but we understand that it is uncomfortable for both your pet and for you and your family. And as you’ve seen in this article, it’s very simple to solve, just follow our advice.

Remember to teach your dog to eat more slowly so that hiccups are less and less frequent in the animal’s life.

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