How To Lower Fever In Dogs

How to lower fever in dogs

Fever in dogs is a common ailment. Like humans, dogs have an average temperature between 38°C and 39.2°C, which is normal when they are healthy. Anything that exceeds this level can be an indication of a disease, virus or disease.

We know for sure how to lower a fever in a child, an adult, or even ourselves. Now, how can we lower the fever in dogs? Let’s look at several ways to do this.

How to detect fever in dogs

Animals sometimes give us signals that something is going on and we are not keeping an eye on our pet 24 hours a day to see if something is wrong with it. How do you know, then, if our friend has a high temperature?

Even unconsciously, it will show that something in your body is not working well. These will be some signs:

How to detect fever in dogs

  • You will be sleepy. He will look like a dead man, even if he rested well at night.
  • Depressed. If he looks sad, don’t ignore this sign, it’s possible he’s feverish.
  • Shudders. If he constantly has minor seizures, it may be fever or some illness.
  • Weakness
  • fast heart rate
  • panting
  • Cough
  • Dehydration
  • vomiting

All of these could be symptoms that your dog is feverish and that you need to do something to control the fever. It’s normal for you to wonder if he really has a fever, but how can we reduce it? Well, we’ll talk about that below.

Fever in dogs, how to download it?

Although fever is not the symptom of a serious illness, it is important to keep the temperature at its normal level to prevent it from causing further problems for your pet. Let’s see how we can do this:

  • If, in addition to the rise in temperature, your dog has other symptoms, it is best to see the veterinarian, as the fever could be a sign that something more serious is happening. If you believe it is just a rise in temperature, you can take other steps, although if you prefer to be calmer about it, the veterinarian is always the best option.
  • If your pet’s temperature is too high, as with people, cold water is a good option. How to do this, since dogs don’t usually love water? First, find a place where the animal feels relaxed, wrap it in a damp towel and leave it wrapped in it for a few minutes so that the cold water regulates your friend’s temperature. Then dry it with a towel so your pet doesn’t catch a cold.

Fever in dogs, how to download it

  • If your dog can’t stand being wrapped in a towel, you can wet a sponge and dab it in places where the animal is most fevered. These areas are usually the muzzle, armpits and groin. Afterwards, don’t forget to dry the wet spot. You can use a hair dryer in cold mode.
  • Give the pet cold water so that it has the effect of regulating the pet’s body temperature. Move your bed around and find a cooler place for him to stay. Outside the house is a good option if it is at night and the temperature is not too low.
  • Bathing him in cold water for ten minutes is another option. Then you will have to dry it with cool air, never hot, because that would only make things worse. Do not pass the time, otherwise you will have an adverse effect.
  • Placing ice packs on the animal’s hind legs and/or head is a good method of lowering fever. However, remember that your pet cannot be wet for a long time and that you should always dry any wet places on his body.
  • If after testing some or all of the medications, the animal’s fever has not gone down after 24 hours, you should go to the vet without delay, as it is likely that something serious and difficult to detect is happening.

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