How To Improve The Quality Of Chicken Eggs?

To improve the quality of chicken eggs, care, healthy sanitary conditions and a balanced diet are essential.
How to improve the quality of chicken eggs?

Every producer knows that it is possible to improve the quality of chicken eggs. There are breeds of laying hens genetically prepared to sustain long periods of production, but keeping the birds in proper conditions is vital.

The quality of hen eggs is a consequence of using different production elements. Care, healthy sanitary conditions and a balanced diet are the basis  for the production of quality eggs.

How Good Quality Eggs Are Recognized

Although  for many an egg is just an egg, and it may seem almost ridiculous to talk about the “quality” of it, business specialists and those who use eggs in the kitchen are well aware that this is not the case. Here are some of the qualities an egg should have:

  • shell quality

The outward appearance and its size make a first impression on the beholder’s eye. The appearance is fundamentally determined by the  quality of the skin, which is manifested in color and shine.

Sellers know that people always choose clean, raw eggs that look good. Eggs with weak or spotted shells can indicate disease  in the hens .

  • yolk quality

When the egg is broken,  the color of the yolk can be a good indicator of the quality of the eggs. It is common to find pale yellow, intense yellow and even orange colored buds.

The natural color of the yolk depends on the birds’ diet. Generally, the intense color is associated with the field egg, which is the shade preferred by consumers.

Foods like corn and alfalfa contribute to a strong color. Some producers use synthetic substances so that the egg has this intense color.

  • egg white quality

It manifests itself mainly in consistency. The thickest and most gelatinous is the one with the best quality. A key factor is the age of the laying hen. Food is also important. Excess magnesium in the diet harms the egg whites.

free range egg tray

Factors Affecting Hen Egg Quality

The laying hen’s genetics is a determining factor. But there are other factors that can improve the quality of chicken eggs. These include  nutritional factors, environmental factors and health factors.

Nutritional Factors

These have to do with chicken feeding. Which are they?

  • To get a quality egg it  is necessary that the chickens have the necessary amount of calcium. If they don’t consume it, they will use calcium from their legs and bones, which will weaken them and also make the eggs of an inferior nature. In addition, the productive period will be shorter. The integration of calcium in the laying hens’ diet helps to obtain good quality eggs. 
  • Phosphor. Phosphorus is needed by layers only at one stage of their development. The excess of this substance, when the bird is more than a year old, affects the quality of the eggs  and causes a poor distribution of calcium.
  • Vitamin D.  It is important to include adequate doses of this vitamin in the laying hens’ diet. The lack of this vitamin causes the shell to decalcify and the egg will be of inferior quality.
    • Zinc, Magnesium and Copper. These are minerals involved in the formation of egg membranes. Therefore, its incorporation into food is beneficial to improve the quality of chicken eggs.
    • Fat and linoleic acid. Mainly affects egg size. It is supplied to animals in the diet in the form of vegetable oils.

    chicken egg basket

    Environmental and health factors

    • Chickens that live in a stress-free environment will produce more and better. Room air conditioning is important. Chickens subjected to suffocating heat or intense cold produce inferior eggs.
    • The existence of microtoxins affects vitamin D metabolism and nutrient absorption. It is important to control these toxins and prevent harmful effects on birds.
      • A vaccination program for disease prevention is essential. Chickens easily get sick from infectious bronchitis and other diseases that reduce the amount of eggs. A healthy chicken house will have good quality production.

      Finally, know that specialized advice will improve the quality of eggs, better plan the production of laying hens and obtain  more favorable yields.

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