How To Educate Your Dog To Bite His Toys And Not The Other Objects In The House

How to educate your dog to bite his toys and not the other objects in the house

There are several reasons why dogs bite our most precious objects. Anxiety, boredom, lack of exercise, sore gums or hyperactivity are the most common. The dog’s mouth is like a sensory organ comparable to human touch. 

In addition, as puppies need to recognize and discover the environment around them, they use bites, which also serve as a means to alleviate the discomfort that changing baby teeth causes.

To prevent your dog from biting everything he finds in his path, you need to set limits and educate him. Toys for pets can become your best allies in achieving this goal.

How to make your dog bite his toys and not other objects

How to educate a dog not to bite what is not yours?

From the moment the animal arrives at your house, whether it is a puppy or not, you should show it, among many other things, what it can bite and what it cannot.

Some ideas for getting along with your dog, at least in this regard, are:

  • Before he starts biting objects in the house, give him different toys so he can bite them for as long as he wants.

There are a wide variety of these type of toys on the market, they are specially designed for pets. However, before putting them in your mouth, make sure they are non-toxic and that they are sized to avoid suffocation.

  • Never give him the green light to bite into old shoes or other disused objects. You’ll regret it when he chews on your new shoes. Dogs do not distinguish the old from the new, nor what is expensive from what is cheap.
  • Don’t confuse him, you must make it clear that he should only bite his toys. And this should also be clear to the rest of the human inhabitants of the house.
  • If, despite the various toys, he still prefers to sink his teeth into things in the house, you should watch him and say a firm and strong NO, just as he moves towards something to bite. Even if it’s just to smell it. It won’t do any good if you do it later. Dogs cannot relate their current words to past events.
  • After giving the NO order, give him the toys.
  • If you are unable to remove any object from your dog’s mouth that he has picked up to bite, do not force or chase the dog to try to remove the object from his mouth. He might find it amusing, and for that reason he might do it again.
  • Don’t scold him. With that, he will continue to do the same thing, but hidden from you. Educate him.

Chances are, these scenes will be repeated over and over until the dog understands that he should just bite his toys.

But you have to be perseverant and patient. Don’t be discouraged or angry.

the great chewer

Don't let dogs bite your belongings

The reality is that most dogs prefer to bite things that smell like you, the owner; the leader of your pack.

Ideally, you would give him lots of chew toys, of different shapes and textures, and that don’t look like the objects in the house, so you can teach him the difference between what is his, and what he can chew, and the that is his and therefore he cannot chew.

How to get this? Praise him, pet him and reward him when he makes the choice for the right object.

If you leave him alone, leave him in an environment in your home free from temptations for his jaw, except for his toys.

Before that, you can also take a walk with him, this way he will spend his energy and then rest. He’ll have his toys to chew on, as much as he likes, while he waits for your return.

Keep in mind that sooner or later your dog will understand what he can chew and what he can’t. So, games are always a good way to educate him.

You should try to associate his toys with fun and entertainment. Take him for a ride with his toys. At home, have playful moments associated with these elements.

This, without a doubt, is the best way to make him understand that it is okay to bite objects that are his. And only these. Not others.

These days, there are even some toys that can be stuffed with dog treats or some other food he likes. Another good way to reward him is to tell him how things should be.

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