How Do You Know If Your Dog Needs A Psychologist?

How to know if your dog needs a psychologist?

We’ve been hearing about dog psychologists for a while now and there’s always a skeptic who doesn’t believe that this kind of professional is necessary. However, over time, it has been more than proven that they are very important for the mental and emotional health of animals. There is no doubt that they improve their spirits and lives.

Dog psychologists not only treat mental problems, they also help those animals that have temperament problems. They are essential for animals that appear to have superior intelligence or exhibit undesirable behavior.

In this article, learn about some of the needs dogs may have. Why do they sometimes need to see a psychologist and how to find a good canine professional?

Emotional Problems, a Reason to See a Dog Psychologist


Although your dog is well taken care of, he can go through some situations that make him develop some emotional problems, such as:

  • Staying a long time alone at home. I wish all family members didn’t work or had a shorter day. With the crisis and the precarious economic situation plaguing the world, many people have to tighten their belts. It’s understandable for everyone but your dog. Being alone at home for too long can make him stressed and anxious. In some cases it can also develop behavior problems.
  • Feeling rejected. It could be that a new baby has arrived home, and although we know you love your dog, it’s possible that you’ve left him a little behind without realizing it. The problem is that your pet has noticed this and may begin to experience emotional problems that need the help of a psychologist.
  • Change. If you have recently moved house, it is likely that your dog has not adapted very well and begins to behave inappropriately. Psychologists are also able to handle these cases.
  • Adopted dogs. Most of the adopted animals came from places where they were mistreated. This may have caused trauma to the animal, causing it to become depressed, excessively frightened or even aggressive.

why a psychologist

Although most of these cases can be attended to by a veterinarian, who are fully trained for this, it is recommended that you go to a psychologist. He is the professional who is prepared to deal with the issue and go to its roots.

There are also cases of dogs that have not gone through any of the situations described above and that change their behavior suddenly and without apparent cause. This is a sign of a mental problem or illness.  A dog psychologist will know how to diagnose the problem and solve it.

The important thing now is to know how to choose a good professional if your pet needs one.

How to Choose a Good Dog Psychologist

To choose a good dog psychologist or even to know if our furry one really needs specialized help, it is important to follow a few steps:


  • Talk to your veterinarian. He is the one who can best determine whether or not your pet needs the help of a psychologist. There are veterinarians who are trained to treat certain emotional and mental problems, but they can determine the seriousness of the situation and refer the dog to a professional. The veterinarian himself can recommend some psychologists.
  • Correct inappropriate attitudes of owners. In some cases, the dogs’ behavioral problems are caused by the owners’ inappropriate attitudes. A good psychologist will assess this as an initial cause before charging dozens of sessions and/or prescribing medication for your pet.
  • Search for references. C onverse with other owners who have taken dogs to a veterinarian. If you don’t know anyone, look for information on websites and forums on the internet. The degree of satisfaction of people with a particular psychologist can help you choose the best professional.

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