How Do Temperature Changes Affect Cats?

Changes in temperature can have consequences for the health of felines. That’s why it’s important to provide shelters and climate control systems for cats.
How do temperature changes affect cats?

Changes in temperature affect cats and can even be dangerous. Therefore, both in winter and in summer we need to provide certain specific care to preserve your well-being.

Risks of temperature changes for cats

The optimum body temperature for cats ranges between 38 °C and 39 °C. In a favorable environment, with temperatures between 20 °C and 24 °C, cats usually have no difficulty regulating their body temperature.

However, climate change affects cats and poses a major challenge to maintaining their temperature. For this reason, our felines usually suffer from sudden or intense changes in the climate.

Next, we’ll look at the main risks of excessive heat and cold for cats.

Dangers of Excessive Heat for Cats

Although cats like the heat, high temperatures pose some risks to their health. In summer, our kittens need to receive certain specific care to avoid dehydration, nausea and other symptoms associated with heat.

It should be remembered that obese cats and those with long or dense coats may be more likely to suffer from excessive heat. Also, older cats and kittens are often more vulnerable to hot flashes.

For all these reasons, it is essential to be aware of the symptoms of heat in pussies to provide proper care and avoid complications to their health.

Sleepy cat surrounded by autumn lights and leaves

Symptoms of heat in cats

The first symptoms of heat in cats are unspecific:

  • Weakness
  • loss of appetite
  • Drooling or profuse salivation
  • excessive thirst
  • muscle tremors

If temperatures continue to rise and the cat does not get the right care, more specific signs associated with heat may appear. Among them, we find:

  • Clumsy movements
  • Imbalance
  • Acceleration of heart rate or tachycardia
  • Tongue of bluish or gray color
  • Dehydration
  • nausea
  • fainting

Heat stroke is extremely dangerous for cats as it can lead to multiple organ failure. At temperatures above 42°C, they can even suffer sudden death.

Risks of excessive cold for cats

As with excessive heat, extreme cold can also bring serious complications to the cat’s body.

As we are well aware, they tend not to tolerate low temperatures very well, and quickly seek out a source of heat.

During the winter, we must be especially careful to prevent hypothermia in cats.

Especially if we live in a region that experiences very low temperatures or sudden weather changes.

In addition, kittens or elderly cats need special care, as they are more vulnerable to adverse weather conditions.

cold cat

Symptoms of cold in cats

When temperatures drop sharply or intensely, the first symptoms of cold in cats usually appear, such as:

  • tremors
  • muscle stiffness
  • loss of appetite
  • Behavioral changes: weakness, isolation, lack of energy…

When the body temperature drops below 36°C, symptoms of hypothermia may appear. This condition includes a complex symptomatology that can advance quickly and cause a worsening of the kittens’ health.

The main signs of hypothermia in cats are:

  • Stare
  • Dilated pupils
  • difficulty breathing
  • Change in heart rate
  • Low pressure
  • Stupor
  • fainting
  • Coma state
  • Sudden death

How to prevent the risks of temperature changes for cats?

The best way to prevent the negative consequences of heat or cold for our pets is not to expose them to sudden changes.

For this, we need to maintain stable temperatures at home, with a heating system in winter and refrigeration in summer.

It is important to remember that heating and air conditioning tends to dry out the air, which can affect a cat’s respiratory system. Therefore, it is recommended to spray clean and fresh water into the environment at least twice a day.

On the other hand, it will be essential to provide a refuge for our cat, where he feels comfortable, safe and protected.

In pet stores, we can find several beds and hiding places for felines. In addition, we will make available to the pet a cardboard box with a blanket and their favorite toys inside.

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