Having A Dog: Why And Why Not?

Most people when they think of a dog think of a pet, but a dog is much more than that and there are endless reasons to say yes to having a dog.
Having a dog: why and why not?

Most people when they think of a dog think of a pet, but a dog is much more than that and there are endless reasons to say yes to having a dog. While there are exceptions where some kind of allergy in a family member can make us say no to a dog, in general terms our answer is yes to having a dog.

A dog can offer us many things and teach us many more,  demonstrating that they are something more than mere companion animals. In this way, let’s look at several points of why to say yes to having a dog and why to say no.

why say no to have a dog

dog at home

  • If you get tired of things fast  and think about leaving him when you’re tired of him, now that you have the opportunity, say no to having a dog;
  • If you’re not going to let him in or don’t plan on making him a house so he can sleep  warm in the winter or cool in the summer, say no to getting a dog. This is cruel, as the animal will notice the lack of affection and can easily catch diseases.
  • If you’re bothered to see fur everywhere  and you’re going to blame the dog, say no to having a dog. No matter how short its coat, it will always shed hairs.
  • If you’re bothered by changing your routine, say no to having a dog. Dogs don’t understand schedules and a puppy will cry at 3 am, and your dog will love to lick its mouth at 6 am. If you’re not going to face all this with humor, it’s better not to have a dog, because nobody likes to feel uncomfortable, not even an animal.
  • If you think a dog is a toy  that can be purchased for children to play with in the summer and can be returned later, forget about saying yes to having a dog. Adopting an animal is a lifelong commitment, as it won’t be able to be with you for the rest of its life, but is willing to be with you for the rest of its life.
  • If you just like puppies, forget about having a dog. A dog will never be a puppy forever, it would be like wishing a baby would stay that way forever and then abandoning it because we don’t like it anymore.

why say yes to have a dog

Now let’s see the part that appeals to all those who are animal lovers. The reasons why say yes to having a dog.

  • They keep us company, erase our sadness and silence our loneliness. From the moment they enter our home, they become part of our family, make us feel loved and cared for, and therefore less alone.
  • They improve our health. Studies have been done showing that the health of people who have a dog around is much better than those who don’t.

dog and children

  • Benefits for children. It improves the immune system, as a child who lives in a blister will not be exposed to germs and bacteria and therefore their system will not be prepared to deal with them. A dog improves this whole situation.
  • It forces us to be responsible and exercise. Having to take care of the dog and take him for a walk makes us more active and energetic people.
  • Funny souvenirs. Dogs don’t stop playing pranks and things that make us laugh, which makes having a dog both enjoyable and fun.
  • Loyalty is another important point. Does knowing someone is loyal to you make you feel special  and wanted and who doesn’t like it?
  • They teach us qualities. It is known that when something in someone pleases us, we imitate it even unconsciously. Dogs have wonderful virtues and qualities that make us better people.
  • And the last reason, I hope you agree with me, is one of the most important and it’s this:  they deserve it. They deserve to have someone to take care of them, love them, pamper them, protect them and give them everything they need in every way.
  • Because we love them and  because they’ve demonstrated that they’re better than a lot of people. Let’s say yes to having a dog!

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