Get To Know The Different Facial Expressions Of Cats And What They Mean

Get to know the different facial expressions of cats and what they mean

Cats are considered expressionless and mysterious animals. While a dog is able to tell us what it feels at all times through tail movements or other body language, cats are a little more difficult to understand. However, their facial expressions and gestures can tell us a lot. Would you like to know what they mean? Let’s study the facial expressions of cats.

Why is it important to interpret cats’ facial expressions?

It’s very simple: this  is your way of communicating. Due to the inability to speak, cats use postures and facial expressions to tell us how they feel.

Although cats look totally expressionless, their faces can reveal a lot. It is not enough to look at his face, we have to look at his pupils, his ears and his whiskers as well.

These are the most common facial expressions displayed by cats.

Without further ado, let’s learn to observe our cat and differentiate what feelings or sensations he is experiencing.

a cat in a state of relaxation

When a cat is relaxed, it is easy to differentiate because its head will be resting on a surface or on its front legs. Normally, he will have his eyes half closed and his pupils will be dilated and relaxed.

His ears and whiskers will be in a normal position and it is possible that he may purr slightly.

cat on alert

This facial expression can be confused with that of a cat interested in something. His head will slowly move to one side and his pupils will be almost normal, although his eyes will be wide open.

The whiskers are pointing back a little. If he’s a little tense, he might start meowing.

a tense cat

When a cat is tense, its head is glued to its body, looking like its neck has shrunk. He usually doesn’t move his head and his eyes are wide open and seem to be close together from the strain.

Your pupils dilate, but not too much.

a stressed cat

When a cat is stressed, which can happen very easily if you change his routines, he gets crestfallen and his pupils grow to their fullest.

A stressed cat can become aggressive and even attack other cats or pets in the house. Normally, it doesn’t purr or be silent or meow in a victim’s tone.

a scared cat

There are many things that frighten cats, that’s why this easy expression might be one you see most in your feline.

Your eyes will open and your pupils will dilate completely. Its ears will be down and it will look for your lap or a place to hide.

Facial expression of a cat that feels in front of a threat

Cats believe in that famous phrase “there is no better defense than a good offense”. Thus, a feline that feels that something threatens him will respond aggressively. His facial expression will show unfriendly face, his ears will be straight out to the sides and he will try to attack.

Your pupils and eyes will be wide open.

Knowing our cat’s different facial expressions can help us to know him better and to avoid situations that bother him or cause him fear.

Observing our pussy is the key to understanding the language he wants to use to communicate with us, and this will favor the good coexistence between them. As much as we try to make them understand our language and convey to us what they feel, this is the only way they have to do that.

Take the time to observe your cat and become able to understand him better and to know why he reacts in one way or another to different situations. It will be well worth the time you invest in it. And with these tips we’ve given you, now everything will be even easier.

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