Find Out Which Pet Is Ideal For Older People

Find out which is the ideal pet for older people

It is proven that a pet can be an excellent companion for the elderly. Although the feeling of loneliness can be lessened with the presence of a pet, it is also important to consider the responsibility and care they require.

The personality of the elderly

Before looking for a pet that can be a companion to elderly people, we have to consider what kind of elderly people we are talking about. If they are elderly, but independent, travelers and with a lot of social activity.

In case you spend a  lot of time away from home, having a pet can mean a change in your life, but it will bring more hassle than anything else and therefore may not be the best idea.

Dogs or cats for the elderly?

old cat

Once you have decided that you will have to look for a companion animal for your grandfather or grandmother, it is recommended an animal that contributes with joy and company, but without great efforts for them.

Whether a cat or a dog, the best thing is for the animal to be over two years old, as it will have overcome the stage of excessive activity and dynamism, linked to the first months of its life.

Dog or cat? There are reasons and arguments for both cases. Most experts are enchanted with felines. Their independent yet affectionate personality makes them ideal for accompanying older people.

A cat aged two or three has a predilection for lying down with its owner for a long time. In addition, it does not require walks and, in relation to its basic care, its ration as daily food, fresh water in several places and clean sandboxes is enough.

Dogs contribute a lot, but they also require a lot of care. They demand outdoor games and activities. For elderly people, walking the dog, especially if it is a large animal, can cause accidents and falls.

the economic aspect

We cannot forget the expenses generated by a pet. You have to keep it well cared for and fed. Small and medium sized dogs typically generate less feed costs.

Small and medium dogs have a longer life expectancy than large dogs.

When it comes to choosing a cat, the ones preferred by the elderly are the small ones, which are easier to carry, walk and maintain. The life expectancy of a pussy can exceed 20 years.

Dog breeds for the elderly

The best option is to go to an animal shelter and look for a crossbred dog. In these places, there are some of the best dogs you could find.

The Cocker, for example, weighs around 10 kg to 12 kg and measures between 38 cm and 40 cm, with a life expectancy of between 14 and 16 years. It is a playful, sensitive, sweet breed, willing to please and obey the wishes of its family. This is a very sociable dog and has to be part of your family, even if it’s just one person.


It is known for its small size. It weighs no more than 2 kg, measures between 12 cm and 22 cm, has a life expectancy of 15 to 18 years.

The Chihuahua dog has a lot of energy, it can do some mischief around the house before taking a nap on the couch. This dog is good for going out and running with children, but also for keeping up with the elderly.

The Chihuahua will be very protective of its owner and is a good watchdog. It can easily turn into a dog that spends much of its time indoors. The Chihuahua is loyal and willing to please his family. They are ideal pets for seniors who want to spend some good years with a small dog.

Benefits of a Dog for the Elderly


  • Increased well-being and vitality.
  • It helps to lessen these people’s sense of abandonment and loneliness.
  • Facilitates communication with other people.
  • Helps regulate blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression.
  • Provides good mood. The dog is happy and transmits this joy, likes to live and play with its owner.
  • Helps in recovery when there is some illness.
  • The elderly person will have a daily routine to fulfill, new responsibilities and will eliminate the boredom and monotony of their days.

Adopting a dog can become the best medicine to get through old age well.

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