Domestic Mouse As A Pet

Only a few species are indicated as pets, and only those that grow among humans are friendly and docile.
domestic rat as a pet

Rodents can make wonderful pets: they are friendly, docile and intelligent. Hamsters or guinea pigs are proof of this. However,  common rats can also be unforgettable pets  and great friends.

domestic rat as a pet

Although we associate rats with dirt and disease, they  are actually very intelligent animals, with a great sense of survival and adaptability. Also, they can be very docile and friendly if they grow up among humans.

However, they are often considered pests, not companion animals: as domestic animals they are limited to a few species, already domesticated by humans. In other words, we make a distinction between the rats we want in our homes and the ones we want to “eliminate”.

Anyone who has lived with a mouse as a pet knows that they are friendly and funny little rodents. They have an unfair bad name, which they don’t deserve.

Caring for domestic rats

House rats are not picky: a partner, a cage adapted to their basic needs,  a balanced diet, and a little mental stimulation are all it takes to make them happy and help them live healthily.

Despite being small animals, they have a lot of energy, so they need a big cage. The best option is a cage that also has several floors, so they can climb up and down. In addition, they will thus have a larger surface area to walk on, taking up little space in our homes.

house mouse

Your cage should have plenty of hiding places and places to sleep. Their instinct tells them that they should sleep in small, dark places.  Even if he decides to sleep on the couch or on your legs, give him a chance to have a hiding place.

Also, choose a good substrate for rodents. Your rat will use its cage to take care of its needs, and the best way to ensure its hygiene is to choose a quality substrate: it  is easy to clean and does not produce dust, as this could cause respiratory problems.

Something to consider…

Rats live better in company. They are animals that usually live in groups, so it is advisable that you have more than one at home. He will not feel alone and will have a partner to play with and discharge more energy without needing your constant attention. There are many advantages!

They are intelligent animals that need to solve problems or learn new tricks in order to be happy. Inside your cage, you’ll need interactive toys, or some puzzle to solve. If you don’t have toys at home, you can always teach them tricks and sequences of commands. It’s important that he doesn’t get bored!

Home safety is also essential: you can allow rats to leave their cage and explore the home, but don’t neglect their safety. Watch out for electrical cables as they can gnaw on them. Likewise, make sure there are no holes or spaces behind the furniture where they can hide and become trapped.

House rat health

Domestic rats are generally healthy animals, but frequent veterinary visits are necessary to ensure their health and well-being. Domestic rats live between three and five years, although there have been cases of animals that lived longer. Currently, mice do not have mandatory vaccines.

pet rat

Most of the health problems that appear in these small rodents are related to their teeth:  they never stop growing and, if not used properly, pain, poor digestion or even the inability to eat appear.

How to feed a pet rat

Domestic rats are omnivores: that is, they  can consume any food. We must give them a complete and varied diet. Also, they should always have fresh water at their disposal.

The easiest way to ensure that our mouse is properly fed is to provide it with the species’ own food, although we should avoid those based on seeds. But that is not all:  we must offer them fresh food that is always within their reach.

With fruits and vegetables,  we can offer you a daily combination of different vegetables and fresh products, such as spinach, tomatoes, carrots or zucchini, and let you choose your favourites. We should also add cereals such as rice, bread or pasta, as well as pulses. To provide them with animal protein, we can give them lactose-free egg, chicken or fresh cheese.

All the foods we present, except those of animal origin, must be raw and natural:  avoid salt, oil, spices, sugar or any additives. The fresher the better for your health.

If you’re looking for a fun, sociable, affectionate and intelligent pet, house mice can be a great option. Offer them mental challenges, a balanced diet, and you will enjoy their friendship for years to come.

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