Campylobacter Infection Present In Dogs

Campylobacter infection usually heals after 10 days of treatment, but it deserves extra attention in the case of children and the elderly.
Campylobacter infection present in dogs

There are many diseases that we can catch from our pets, so we must be well informed about them. In this article we will talk about Campylobacter infection , which is present in dogs and can cause diarrhea, among other consequences.

What We Should Know About Campylobacter Infection

One of the main causes of diarrhea is Campylobacter infection , which is part of the most common food poisoning. It affects millions of people every year, especially babies, teenagers and young people who live in precarious conditions of hygiene and cleanliness.

The Campylobacter genus is composed of several bacteria (such as JejuniColi  and  Fetus ), and is common in farm and pet animals. These microorganisms require low levels of oxygen to survive and do not move on their own, they lodge in the intestines and are eliminated through feces.

The contagion occurs by ingestion of water or food contaminated with these bacteria. Another way to become infected is to come into contact with fecal remains from a sick person, such as when a mother cleans her baby.

man petting a sick dog

What are the symptoms of Campylobacter infection ?

The main symptoms of a Campylobacter infection start two days after the bacteria enter the body. We can differentiate the diseases caused by it into two major groups:

1. Enteric diseases

They are caused by two Campylobacter bacteria : Coli and Jejuni. They usually heal after about 10 days. The best known symptom of this infection is diarrhea. It also causes bowel inflammation, fever, abdominal pain, headache, nausea, vomiting and general malaise.

2. Extra-intestinal diseases

They are mainly caused by Campylobacter fetus and are less common, although more serious. They can affect the heart and blood vessels and cause endocarditis and pericarditis.

Extraintestinal diseases also cause a neurological disorder known as Guillain Barré Syndrome, urinary tract infections, pancreatitis and arthritis.

Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Campylobacter Infection

When any of the symptoms indicated above is identified and we are aware of contact with a dog or a farm animal – and especially with its feces – we should consult a doctor quickly.

Some professionals order a blood test to determine if there are changes in your white blood cell count or blood pH. A microscopic examination of the stool or a blood (blood) culture may also be done.

Woman working with the dog at her side

Once Campylobacter infection has been diagnosed, the next step is to start appropriate treatment. As diarrhea causes dehydration, it is essential to drink water and sports drinks that replace the fluid and electrolytes lost in the body.

It is not advisable to follow a solid diet for the first four days. From this moment on, it is recommended to eat astringent foods, such as potatoes, toasted bread, rice, chicken or grilled fish, in small quantities.

In very advanced cases it is possible to indicate treatment with antibiotics or antimicrobials such as azithromycin and erythromycin.

The prognosis of Campylobacter infection is good in most patients, who recover within a maximum of 10 days. It is necessary to take into account that children under two years of age, the elderly and people with reduced immunity comprise the risk groups for this type of bacteria.

Can anyone who has a pet at home prevent an infection with these characteristics? Of course yes. Hygiene is essential, so it is recommended to wash your hands well after playing with the dog or coming into contact with its feces.

It is also necessary to disinfect objects that may be contaminated by infected feces of our pets, wash the food we eat well, not drink water from rivers or streams if we are on vacation and avoid the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products.

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