Biscuits In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Biscuit in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Superficial wounds are a perfect habitat for the worms in the eggs that flies lay. If these worms reach vital organs such as the brain, they can cause the dog’s death. Signs of worms in dogs are fever, pain, diarrhea, lack of appetite, boils, ulcers and itching.

Crabworm in dogs is a  disease that affects thousands of animals every year. Today, we want to talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Being informed about everything related to your pet’s health before it is at risk will help you have a better quality of life.

Biscuit in dogs, what is it?

It is a parasitic disease that leaves an open superficial wound, in which flies deposit their larvae. The larvae later become worms that eat the animal’s skin tissue. And while they eat the tissues, they produce an enzyme that damages the dog’s skin.

The presence of these larvae in the wound  means that it remains moist and can spread through the skin, causing the animal great pain.

What are the causes of worms in dogs

Normally,  for the worm to appear there must be an open wound  that allows it to enter the skin tissues. Flies are always looking for places like these. That way, when they find the wound, they can lay their eggs in it.

Animals in dogs: know how to treat

It should be noted that the worms are small at first. However, as they feed on the tissues of the skin, they get bigger. Thus, the wound and damage to the animal increases faster.

Then, as the wound grows and becomes more visible, other flies can lay their eggs. The worms can even kill the animal, because if they manage to enter its organism, they have the possibility of reaching the brain and other vital organs.

Symptoms of worms in dogs

The symptoms in animals suffering from worms are as follows:

  • Fever
  • Ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of appetite
  • Boils
  • Ulcers
  • Itch

Looking at your pet’s skin on a daily basis will let you know if there are larval eggs laid on any part of the body.  Look especially at the central area of ​​the back, ears and any areas the animal cannot reach with its tongue. That way, maybe you can find them before they do any harm to your pet.

Treatment and diagnosis of worms in dogs

To diagnose whether the dog suffers from this disease, it will only be necessary to examine its skin for the presence of larvae. However, the veterinarian will order a thorough analysis to ensure that the damage has not been greater than can be seen. 

To treat worms in dogs, the wound needs to be cleaned . But before that, it is advisable to put a protective collar on the animal, to prevent it from biting us when we touch the painful wound.

Symptoms of worms in dogs

The first thing you should do is carefully cut the hair around the wound. This way, it will be freer to be disinfected. The veterinarian will indicate some product that, when spread through the wound, will cause the worms to appear.

After passing the product, with the help of tweezers, extract the worms one by one. When you are sure there are no more worms, disinfect the wound with betadine or similar medications. Then soothe the animal’s pain with antibiotics that the veterinarian recommends.

The best way to keep your dog from licking or rubbing the wound is by putting a protective bandage or collar on it.  If you feel that you cannot do this, take your pet to a specialist. In that case, you will only need to give the antibiotics.

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