American Bobtail Cat

American bobtail cat

How many cat breeds do you know? Certainly many, but we guarantee that there are many others. Today we want to talk about the American Bobtail cat. Do you already know what animal we are talking about? No idea? So keep reading and find out!

What You Need to Know About the American Bobtail Cat

history and origin

The story of this cat is not very clear. It has been present in America since the appearance of the Japanese Bobtail, but it only gained importance after the 60s.

Apparently, this breed comes from a cross between a spotted colored male with a short tail and a Siamese female with seal fur. Although the male’s background is unknown, it appears that it is a hybrid of the domestic cat due to the shape of its tail.

american bobtail

Source: torbakhooper

Later, they merged with Burmese, Himalayan and Siamese/Himalayan. Thus appeared the first creation of the American Bobtail cat, the  which was not an easy task, since the race suffered constant setbacks.

However, in the mid-1980s, it was decided to leave the essence of the American Bobtail cat, which consisted of a feline with a short tail, long fur and a white face.

Nowadays, however, breeding with domestic cats is allowed to keep the genes healthy.

Physical characteristics

Its body is large, somewhat robust, like a rectangle, and thick. His chest is big and strong and his hips are well defined, almost as wide as his chest. Its hind legs are bigger than its front legs and its feet will always be big and round.

One of its most striking features is its tail, which is usually three times smaller than that of a “normal” cat. It will always be rigid, even if it is articulated.

This breed of cat can be any color, smooth, spotted or streaked.

Its eyes are almond-shaped, sized in harmony with the head, and open at an angle towards the ears. Eye color depends on fur color.

Their ears are wide at the base and narrowing, medium in size and shaped similar to those of lynxes.

race character

This cat is playful, affectionate, friendly and energetic. It is not as independent as other races, and is easy to train due to its great intelligence. They say they are capable of being smarter than the great Houdini.

american bobtail

Source: torbakhopper

It is a difficult task to gain a cat’s affection. He will be your friend if he feels you are worthy of his friendship, but not his slave.

Theophilus Gautier

These cats don’t demand much attention, but they enjoy being with humans. If we measured his activity level from 1 to 10, for example, Persian would be at 1, and Bobtail could be at 8. Imagine how much he moves! This must be taken into account if you are considering adopting one.

They like affection and affection and will ask for it whenever appropriate. They get along very well with children and are great friends with dogs. The myth of “like a dog and a cat” is over!

general care

The American Bobtail is not a complicated cat to care for, but we should comb it once a week to eliminate dead fur. A balanced diet will be essential to maintain your overall health, as will a loving but firm upbringing. This is due to his great intelligence, which can go to his head if we don’t know how to show his place in the home and family.

Was this information good to know if this is the cat you were looking for? Just remember that he’s very active, but he’s definitely ideal for being a pet.

Images source: torbakhopper

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