Amazon River And Surrounding Fauna

The longest and longest river in the world, together with the great vegetation that surrounds it, is home to many species, unique to the region. 
Amazon River and surrounding fauna

If there is a place rich in fauna and flora in the world, it is the Amazon River and its surroundings. The humidity caused by the river, together with the torrential rains that happen in the countries that it crosses, allow different species of animals to live there. If you want to know some of them, don’t miss this article.

Learn a little more about the Amazon River

The Amazon is the longest river in the world and crosses Peru, Colombia and Brazil.

On the outskirts of its basin is the largest forest in the world, the Amazon, which crosses over seven countries. 

Within it are species of animals and plants that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world.

It is no wonder that  lovers of nature and animals immerse themselves in it to live a unique experience. 

It seems that in flow and extension the Amazon disputes with the Nile River; because experts don’t agree exactly on which points are the correct ones to measure, plus or minus 740 kilometers.

Even so, it has always been said that the Amazon is the longest and most mighty river in the world.

With water scarcity around the world, it is not surprising that many exotic animals have chosen this river basin as their permanent habitat;  since they can not only find something to drink, but also food around; thanks to the large flow of water from the Amazon River.

The Amazon and its fauna: species that only live there

The Amazon River is a privileged place for animals, since in its surroundings they can live without scarcity of anything.

There are many species, as we said before, that have chosen it as their home, and many of them can only be seen there.

Do you want to meet some? Well, take this trip with us!

Electric eel

It’s possible that you’ve seen it in a movie and been amazed by its stunning beauty.

It measures about  two and a half meters in length and can weigh up to 20 kilos. 

What characterizes it is its peculiar way of hunting its prey, which it does through  electric shocks of up to 600 volts.

Furthermore, these  electric shocks  impart stunning luminous beauty; that arouses the admiration of all those who have the privilege of witnessing this from time to time.

Spider monkey

You’ve certainly heard of him because of the many jokes that have been made up about his name.

Well, its name characterizes it perfectly, and thanks to its long limbs and tail length, it is able to do amazing postures that resemble a  spider  like no other primate in the world can.

Spider monkey

One of the curiosities of this animal is that it measures no more than 66 centimeters in length, a small measure, considering that it belongs to the primate family.

In addition to this species, in the fauna around the Amazon River you can see other monkeys such as the capuchin monkey, the night monkey, the Peruvian spider monkey, the golden lion tamarin, among others.


There are many things we hear about anaconda, but we hardly ever see one. This is because it is one of the endemic species of the Amazon, as it only inhabits this place.

It can measure nine meters in length and weigh up to 200 kilos. 

It is considered the largest snake in the world.


Although  there are anaconda in many parts of the world, the green anaconda is unique in the Amazon rainforest. 

It is characterized by being stealthy and agile in water, but very clumsy on land.

red piranha

The red piranha abounds in the Amazon River and although it is no bigger than a hand, it always travels in large shoals, so if anyone falls near one of them they  will be attacked en masse  and could be devoured in less than a minute . So scary!

red piranha

Unlike sharks, they don’t need blood to go to their prey, and while this also serves as an intense invitation, simple contact with this species can create a feast for them.

This was the information we wanted to share with you about the Amazon River and the fauna around it, one of the richest places of nature in the world. How about taking a vacation, visiting this beautiful place and getting to know some of these species?

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