All About Cockatiel Care

All about Cockatiel Care

Today we will talk about the wonderful birds known as Cockatiels or Cockatiels.  It is the type of bird that has been conquering homes all over the world and is gaining more and more affection from its owners. It is a very affectionate and grateful exotic animal, which provides a close bond with its owners.

There are  many varieties and colors  with very nice features. In this article, we will devote ourselves to detailing everything about the care of Cockatiels,  as well as their characteristics and character.

Meet the Cockatiels

Knowing the Cockatiels

The scientific name of Cockatiels, also called cockatiels, is Nymphicus hollandicus and belongs to the cockatoo family.

It is an endemic species to Australia, especially in open areas and close to places with abundant water. When they are free, they are  nomadic birds that move to where water and food are found.

Nowadays, we can find this type of bird in many homes due to its personality and its beautiful characteristics.

They are birds that usually measure from 25 to 33cm and their main physical characteristic is an upward tuft.  The tail has very long feathers,  which can measure up to more than half the animal’s size. The body color is gray with nice  orange spots on the cheeks.

Regarding the character of these birds, they are very affectionate and not too noisy, a  quality that attracts bird lovers when choosing a bird to adopt as a pet.

It is always recommended to have them in couples , as they are not used to being alone, besides, it is a good opportunity to contemplate the way in which they live.

Cockatiels have a great capacity for imitation  and are long-lived.

Care of Cockatiels

Beware of Cockatiels

Always remember that if you are willing to adopt  a pet, let alone an exotic animal, you must always provide it with  the necessary care for the breed and conditions that are most similar to its natural habitat.

As with  lovebirds, they do not need special care, but you must ensure that all their needs are met.

a balanced diet

Regarding food, Cockatiels can consume a specific food for them or also a  mixture based on oats, canary seed or sunflower seeds. It is also sometimes allowed to feed them fruits such as apples and vegetables such as carrots.

As with other exotic birds, dairy products are not recommended.

From time to time we can give them some snacks, such as  dried fruit, cereal bars with honey  and also other seeds.


We advise to have Cockatiel as free as possible,  because even if the cages are spacious enough, they are not the most convenient, so it is important to get your pet used to being loose from a puppy, always taking the appropriate precautionary measures. 

If you have other animals at home, try to be careful,  because we must not forget that  cats  and dogs are predators, so it is best to get the animals used to coexistence.

Be careful with mirrors or windows as they could injure the bird. It is very important to  clean Cockatiel’s cage and supply it with water and food.

Make sure the environment is at a good temperature, that is, neither too hot nor too cold. Nor is it convenient to expose Cockatiel directly to the sun.


If you have a couple of Cockatiels it is very important that you know all the precautions  you should take in case they have chicks.  Mating begins with a few corners of the male,  which at the same time moves its wings and shakes its head.

By the time the female is fertilized, she can lay 5-6 eggs. If given the chance,  you can build your own nest,  which should be large enough for the female to lay.

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