A Little Dog Gets Over Her Past Abuse Thanks To A Baby

A little dog overcomes her past abuse thanks to a baby

After a past of abuse, a puppy named Nora found in an eleven-month-old baby the security she needed to overcome all her fears. The story is causing a stir on the Internet and on social networks and forums.

Nora’s adoption after the abuse

Nora is an 8 year old English Pointer dog. She was adopted by the Spence family after they learned she had a past full of abuse. When she got home, Nora was afraid of everything except Archie, a baby who was only eleven months old.

In this way, Archie became this bitch’s best friend. Unintentionally, he was the best therapy for her to overcome all her fears.

Nora accompanies the baby everywhere. Thus, they share the most intimate moments of the day, marked by naps and constant games.

Archie assimilated his love for animals from an early age. He also has a correct education from his parents. Their father affirms that it is very important for them to treat all living beings around them with respect, and they teach their children that same respect.

an exemplary family

Elisabeth Spence and her husband have three children and five pets, two dogs and three cats. All of them were adopted in shelters after the mistreatment suffered by these animals. The daily life of this family fell in love with more than 50 thousand people who follow them on Instagram.

The Spences have an account on the Instagram social network. In it, they often make people reflect on the importance of adopting and giving a home to abandoned or abused animals.

With a daily job, the safety of the dog Nora was being restored thanks to the constant dedication of the family and her special relationship with Archie. Although Nora has a sad and suffering past, her new life with her lovely human friend has made her world a better place.

The integration of a battered dog

An animal that has been mistreated needs a routine of schedules, a warm place and kind words from its new owner.

The damage suffered from mistreatment explains why the animal may experience fear of people at first. Re-educating a dog that has been physically or psychologically abused by its previous owner takes time, a lot of caring, and certain efforts to make the pet trust its new family.

Experts say that physical or psychological abuse suffered by a dog can leave deep sequels to the animal. They will be of greater intensity the longer the sad and deplorable situation of abuse lasted.

It is also important to know that the abused dog can relate the sudden gestures with the violence suffered, among other things, because he has disorders in his behavior.

These symptoms of a dog with disorders due to a past of abuse are usually sadness, depression and even certain aggressive behaviors.

It can also happen that a mistreated dog develops certain compulsive behaviors, which he performs repeatedly and for no apparent reason. This is the case of excessive barking, excessive licking in an abnormal way, obsessively chasing your own tail or being obsessed with digging all kinds of surfaces.

The keys to approaching and recovering a battered dog


Source: www.lavanguardia.com

Slow and leisurely movements are one of the important aspects of an animal that has been abused. You will have to treat him gently, walk slowly, very slowly.

When approaching a dog that has been abused, we must do it in a sweet way, with delicacy, this will increasingly give the dog confidence about humans, and we will be able to help in its recovery.

The tone of voice is also important. Use a calm tone of voice with the animal. When you offer him food, do it gently, leave him close at first and leave, without forcing any kind of situation.

The important thing is that the animal gets used to our voice, and associates it with something close and familiar. And that you see that everything we do is for your well-being, it makes you feel secure. That way, he will trust us more and more.

Images source: www.lavanguardia.com

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