A Hero Cat Is Shot And Saves The Life Of A Three-year-old Boy

A hero cat is shot and saves the life of a three year old boy

We are often surprised by the news of animals that intervene in some way to help human beings in risky situations. In this case, we will share the details of the story of Opie, a hero cat who was shot while resting in a house with a three-year-old boy.

an angel in the form of a cat

kitten and child

We could say that Opie, more than a hero cat, was also Daemire’s guardian angel, since the cat received the stray bullet that entered the window of the house.

The boy’s mother, Angelica Sipe, heard a noise and entered the room where Daemire and the cat were resting. While her son continued to sleep soundly, Opie was wounded and bleeding on the floor.

The bullet had entered its head, passing through its neck and shoulder, until it reached the animal’s armpit. Finally, the bullet had its path interrupted on a pillow, inches from the boy.

Cat hero and in full recovery

The fact took place in the United States; more precisely in York, Pennsylvania. Opie, living up to the phrase that cats have seven lives, survived the shot and is recovering in his home despite showing muscle damage.

His owner said she is eternally grateful to Opie, as she is convinced that if the cat had not been there, the boy would have received the impact of the bullet.

Like Opie, there are other cats who have received attention from the media and social media for their heroic attitudes. We’ll tell you other stories.

Cat saves a boy from a dog’s attack

This fact also occurred on North American soil, on this occasion, in Bakersfield, in the State of California.

The protagonist is the cat Tara, who with great courage chased away a dog that was attacking her little owner when he was riding a bicycle in the neighborhood.

The dog, which belonged to a neighbor, managed to bite the child’s legs twice, until Tara managed to scare him away.

Pussy draws neighbors’ attention to help her owner

cat and woman

Some time ago, the story of Slinky Malinki, a cat who alerted neighbors to help his owner, who had lost consciousness, became famous . This event took place in Lancashire, in northwest England.

Forty-eight-year-old former nurse Janet Rawlinson had gone into a near-coma state after suffering an adverse reaction from the morphine she used to relieve chronic back pain.

It was then that the animal, normally shy as her cat was, began to attract the attention of the neighbors Mel and Stephen, bothering the dog and scratching the window with its paws. They remembered that they hadn’t seen Rawlinson for a few days and came to her aid.

Since this incident, the cat has been more vigilant in relation to its owner, making sure that no harm comes to her. In addition, the pussy helps raise two more kittens that Rawlinson has decided to adopt.

Warming a baby in cold Russia

This news tells the story of Macha, a stray cat who saved the life of a baby who had been abandoned near a dumpster in a building in Obninsk, western Russia.

The boy, about three months old, had been left in a cardboard box, which the cat used to sleep. Macha did not hesitate to protect the baby from the cold with his body.

The cat warmed the baby for several hours. When the boy started to cry, he was found by a neighbor of the place.

The inhabitants of the building assure that the little one would not have survived if the cat had not taken care of him.

The anonymous stories

These and other news about animals that helped to contribute to saving human lives go far beyond the media and social networks and arouse our tenderness and admiration.

But, of course, there are many other anonymous and everyday stories that do not appear in the newspapers, but which are none the less important for that. And that, mainly, speak of the love that animals can offer to humans.

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