A Bitch Prevented A Newborn Baby From Dying Of Hypothermia

A female dog prevented a newborn baby from dying of hypothermia

The stories of dogs help people in various circumstances, including performing actions that we could point out as heroic, we are often moved by the news that quickly goes viral on social networks. In the case we will report below, a female dog prevented a newborn baby from dying of hypothermia.

The story of Puti and Santino

dog and baby

Author: Freebird

Puti is the name of the crossbred dog who prevented Santino from dying of hypothermia on a cold winter’s night.

The episode took place in Virrey del Pino, an Argentine locality located in the so-called Greater Buenos Aires, a string of cities that surrounds the capital.

The dog was taking care of her puppies, in the backyard of a humble house, when a woman left a  one month old baby with her.

How a bitch saved a baby’s life

From testimonies collected, it was learned that the baby’s mother had gone to the house of Puti’s owners to ask them if they could take care of the baby  for a while.

Faced with a negative response, the woman withdrew until, at some point in the night, she returned to the place and left Santino with Puti and her puppies.

During the night, one of the children in the house heard the baby crying and so they found Santino, safe from the cold, and as if he were one more puppy than the dog.

Baby safe from hypothermia and mother in detention

The family then picked up the boy. He cleaned and fed him, then reported the find to the authorities. The baby was quickly transported to a local hospital and was out of harm’s way.

Santino’s mother, who also has other children, was detained for a few days. For this reason, all the brothers were taken to a home for minors, awaiting a decision from the judge handling the case.

why dogs help us

But, what drives dogs, who are not trained for these purposes, to protect and save human beings, whether they are their owners or not?

Recently, it was  proven that children have a biological predisposition to help other beings, which begins to be evidenced between 18 and 24 months of life.

Based on this data, and taking into account that it has been proven that dogs have a mind that works in a similar way to children between 2 and 3 years old, it is possible to understand why dogs help spontaneously.

Details of a scientific study

However, scientists cannot yet ensure that dogs are motivated in the same way as children to help other people, or that they are only able to follow certain guidelines, or that they react in defined ways in precise situations.

A recent study by professionals at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, located in Leipzig, (Germany) concluded that dogs are willing to help when they can clearly understand the nature of the help needed.

Through different tests carried out, it was concluded that dogs, in general, have great motivation to help humans, even if they are unknown people, whenever they can understand that such help is needed.

dogs save us

dog watching beach

Author: Tony

In addition to these studies that try to establish how and why dogs save us from difficult situations, what is certain is that these noble animals do not cease to amaze us. Stories like Puti, who prevented a newborn baby from dying of hypothermia, by luck, are no exception to the rule.

However, it is not necessary for a dog to perform an action considered extraordinary to help us. With everyday attitudes, our furry friends contribute to saving us a little each day, through the unconditional love they give us:

  • They always welcome us with joy;
  • They make us forget the bad times;
  • They accompany us in difficult situations.

Don’t forget to repay your furry friend for all the affection he gives you.

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