Animal Welfare Institute, A Project That Protects Our Pets

Animal Welfare Institute, a project that protects our pets

Throughout history,  one of the most solid paradigms regarding the growth and development of a city or a country has been the well-being that can be offered to the inhabitants of a given place,  since there is a quality of life that allows people living with dignity, such geographical space can be taken seriously by locals and outsiders. However, the evolution of priorities makes certain initiatives necessary, such as the creation of the Animal Welfare Institute, which we will discuss below.

Although one of the biggest controversies about this situation has been the way in which animals were never treated,  and that despite being beings who deserve to be treated with  respect and consideration, their lives in these places are highly dangerous, unless they live in home with its owners.

Fortunately, there are countries that have been trying to change this situation, seeking to offer these beings a service that aims to care for and protect them, taking them  off the streets to sterilize them and put them for adoption.

Animal Welfare Institute: a dream come true

dog heart

According to the Colombian Health Secretary, Luis Gonzalo Morales, hinted  that this institution aims to be able to create an important institutional space, in which both universities and the secretariats of the Environment and Health, in addition to various animal organizations, can come together to manage animal protection.

The great challenge of this conglomerate will be the implementation, once and for all, of the law that penalizes mistreatment of animals in Colombia, it will need the support of several secretariats and the environmental police so that it can be put into practice.

Furthermore, it was revealed that  the actions of this authentic dream that came true would focus mainly on dogs and cats, which are the animals that show the most cases of  abandonment.

In order to solve this delicate situation, an animal protection and welfare line will be installed,  which will allow all members of the community to call the corresponding authorities to report any type of mistreatment or inappropriate behavior.

Decrease of animals on the streets

As with any good project,  the Animal Welfare Institute established a series of goals, among which the possibility of reducing more effectively the number of dogs and felines living on the streets stands out. To enable this feat, a thorough investigation was carried out to determine the number of animals that were in these conditions.

According to this survey, currently no more and no less than 900,000 dogs and 300,000 cats live on the streets of Bogotá. Therefore, the goal that was proposed would be to lower this number to zero, resulting in a huge decrease in the first five years.

In addition,  another of the main goals of this specialized center will be the construction of an Ecological House for domestic fauna, whose purpose will be to receive all animals that have been victims of abuse and obtain their custody.

one giant step

horse lying on the ground

This fact is one of the most delicate due to logistical issues, since, according to Secretary Morales,  this enclosure would begin to be built in mid-2017 so that, in 2018, it can receive the first animals. But that, for now, the people who will take care of the animals will be a network of volunteers.

The truth is that, although this institution will only come into operation in 18 months, they have already started to carry out activities for the well-being, protection and care of these wonderful beings. This is why both the people of the Colombian capital and those inserted in the local and world media spread this great news.

Without a doubt,  this is an authentic giant step that will protect the rights of animals  and will try to raise awareness in the entire community to improve the treatment of these beautiful animals.

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