Arthrosis In Cats: Symptoms And Treatment

Arthrosis in cats is caused by wear on the joints… It can affect both old cats and young cats!
Arthrosis in cats: symptoms and treatment

Although it is more common in older animals, arthrosis in cats can also appear in young animals. This problem is caused by the deterioration of the joints, just as it happens to people. We’ll talk about that in this article.

What is osteoarthritis in cats

Arthrosis in cats occurs when  the cartilage present in the joints deteriorates – for different reasons – and no longer fulfills its function of dampening  movement. Thus, friction between the bones increases and this leads to pain and reduced mobility in the affected area.

Arthrosis is a chronic inflammation of the joints, but in many cases it can be reversible. Although you might not believe it, 90% of domestic cats over 12 years old have this problem, but their owners don’t realize it. There are three main causes of osteoarthritis in cats:

1. Genetics

Some breeds, such as Maine Coon, Burmese, Scottish Fold and Abyssinian, are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis in the hips and knees.

Arthrosis in cats

2. Trauma

When a cat has an accident, is run over by a car, falls awkwardly from a certain height – a tree or the roof of a house – or when fighting with another animal, it can have sequelae that lead to the emergence of arthrosis.

3. Overweight

Although obesity is not the cause of osteoarthritis in cats, what happens when the animal is overweight is that the  symptoms worsen and the condition becomes chronic. 

4. Acromegaly

This disease is very rare in felines, but it is related to osteoarthritis. It is a lesion in the pituitary gland that produces deformity in the joints.

What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis in cats?

To detect if your cat has osteoarthritis, you should pay close attention to any changes in his habits or signs of pain when making specific movements:

1. rigid limbs

This can be noticed if the animal spends several hours lying in bed or on the blanket and, when trying to get up, it has more difficulty than usual. It’s something that disappears after a few minutes, once the cat has walked slowly through the area.

2. Reduction of activities

It’s true that  older cats are less active than kittens, but they are still quite elastic and flexible. So they manage to climb into bed, climb a tree and do some mischief.

Arthrosis in cats

But when a feline has arthrosis,  it gradually reduces these activities, because they generate very strong pain. Some even prefer to lie down to avoid stiffness when trying to get up.

3. Loss of muscle mass

Some cats with arthrosis eat less than usual  and, if you add to that the lack of physical activity and play, it is normal that there is a reduction in muscle mass in the limbs. If you notice that your pet is thinner than usual, consult your veterinarian.

4. Behavior changes

Pain and stiffness are two things cats cannot control. Therefore, they become a little more aggressive and elusive than usual. They may not want to have contact with the owners and may try to attack in case of any approach. 

5. Droppings outside the sandbox

This has to do with the fact that  the animal cannot lift its paws to enter the litter box. If your cat defecates outside its usual location, especially if the edges of the box are too high, you may need to change the container.

Are there treatments for osteoarthritis in cats?

To diagnose osteoarthritis in cats, veterinarians do a thorough examination of their limbs and then take an X-ray. Once the problem is identified, the next step is to determine treatment, which can be quite lengthy. 

Some professionals recommend acupuncture and massage, as long as they are done by an animal specialist. The use of medications that promote cartilage formation, such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, may also be indicated.

Of course, we must also  take into account the dietary factor, since an obese cat is more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis or worsening symptoms. Therefore, a ration that meets your needs, in adequate portions, is something that can greatly improve this picture.

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