Pool Games With Your Dog

In summer, furry ones can enjoy poolside activities that can entertain both him and you, while both keeping fit.
Pool games with your dog

Pool games can be a perfect idea to enjoy the summer with your pet. Therefore, we propose some water activities that are refreshing and fun to share with the family on the hottest days.

3 pool play ideas to enjoy with your dog


Swimming is a complete, low-impact exercise that can benefit people and dogs of all ages.

We must remember that the intensity and style of swimming must be adapted to each individual’s physical condition and health status.

If your dog enjoys being in the water,  swimming can be the perfect physical activity to help him maintain a healthy weight. In fact, swimming can help both the dog and its owner to reach the ideal weight.

Another good idea for summer fun is to organize a family water run.

Your dog is sure to love swimming with all his loved ones. But  there must always be an adult watching the games in the pool, to avoid any accidents.

dog swimming in the pool

Also, it is worth noting that some breeds may have some difficulty in performing  water sports  and playing in the pool.

For brachycephalic dogs, for example,  swimming is a challenge due to their physical constitution.

The muzzle of these dogs is very “flattened”, which naturally makes breathing difficult and decreases their lung capacity.

dog diving

Today, many dogs play water sports and can even learn to dive. If our dog already knows how to swim and likes to play in the pool, it  might be an excellent idea to teach him to dive.

To train diving,  you need to have a medium or large pool that allows you to dive. 

The pool should be deep enough that the dog is not seriously injured.

Another important tip is about the water level in the pool: the animal must be able to touch the ground when on its hind legs, to “push” itself to the surface, if necessary.

And most importantly, remember that the diving experience is completely new for your dog.

Therefore, it will be essential to  respect your own adjustment time and encourage your learning  through the use of positive reinforcement.

play ball in water

The traditional and effective game with the ball can also be adapted to the aquatic space.

Also,  teaching your dog to jump into the water to find the ball and bring it back is the first step in scuba training.

This way, we can take advantage of this fun game to start preparing our dog to learn to dive.

ball in the pool with your dog

In practice,  to play these games in the pool, we can use our dog’s favorite toy. 

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a ball, but it is essential that the toy floats on water, is resistant and showy.

We can find a wide variety of water toys at pet stores.

To start with,  we sat next to our dog and showed us the toy ; then we wave to get your attention and encourage you to follow.

Then we throw the toy in the water and encourage the dog to jump to look for it and bring it back.

Each time the animal successfully completes the activity, we should reward it with affection or a compliment;  since positive reinforcement is always very effective in achieving the desired behavior.

Care when playing in the pool with your dog

Before playing with our pet in the pool, there are several guidelines to remember:

  1. Check the chlorine level in the water  and do not let the dog enter the pool right after applying the treatment with the chlorine tablets.
  2. Apply sunscreen for dogs all over the body to protect it from solar radiation.
  3. Use  dog-friendly toys that are sturdy and sized appropriately for your dog’s size and age.
  4. Put the harness or collar on the dog  before entering the water and never let him play alone in the pool.
  5. Make sure the dog has all the vaccinations up to date.
  6. Strengthen your internal  and external deworming with the arrival of summer.
  7. Bathe your dog in clean water to remove chlorine from the pool. Then  dry thoroughly to prevent moisture  on your skin and hair.

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