Brachycephalic Dog Breeds

Brachycephalic dog breeds

They are known for having a “flattened” snout and for making a lot of noise when breathing. Brachycephalic dogs have a different skull from other breeds. In this article, we will tell you which are the breeds that have this characteristic so peculiar.

What breeds of brachycephalic dogs are there?

Brachiocephalic Syndrome is obstruction of the upper airways. This problem affects all dogs that have a flat nose. These breeds live less time than the others, due to their clinical condition:

brachycephalic dog

  1. english bulldog

Originally from the United Kingdom during the 17th century, it is a robust, strong and muscular animal. The current English Bulldog is more “chubby” than the old one. Served as a breed to create the Boxer, Bullterrier and  Bullmastiff. It belongs to the molossos group, has thick shoulders, a large head, a short body, drooping lips and a face with folds. The coat is short, in white, beige, brindle or reddish colors.

  1. Boxer

Another of the most popular brachycephalic dogs, emerged in Germany at the end of the 19th century, and is of the medium-sized molosso type. Due to the type and size of skulls, they cannot always bark and, in addition, they make noise when breathing. The Boxer arose from the crossing of two extinct breeds  : Brabant Bullenbeisser and Old Bulldog. The breed is considered potentially dangerous in some countries, such as Spain.

It is a very faithful, active, vigilant animal that needs physical activity to release its energy. He is quite docile with his family, but can be territorial and dominant with other dogs. Needs to be socialized from a puppy.

  1. French bulldog

This breed appeared in France, as the name already indicates, at the end of the 19th century (during the Industrial Revolution). She was later taken to the United States and is currently  a very popular dog in the West.

Molosso small, muscular, with a small tail and bat ears, the French Bulldog has a flat snout, a wide square head and a wrinkled front. It is very quiet, barks little, adapts to an apartment, cannot stand the heat and snores a lot when sleeping, due to the shape of its head.

  1. Pug or Carlino

Of Chinese origin (but “launched to stardom” in France), this small molosso  type  is one of the most popular in the world  and, at the same time, is in the group of brachycephalic dogs. It is compact in appearance, has a massive body covered in folds, large dark eyes and a curly tail. It can have a brown or black mantle and the muzzle is always dark. He’s nothing aggressive, loves to play and can be a little suspicious of strangers.

  1. boston terrier

This dog is friendly and obedient, ideal for companionship. Low maintenance, due to its short coat, it emerged in the United States. The Boston Terrier is small in size, has a flat snout, large, pointed ears, large, spaced eyes and a short tail, like its paws.

  1. Shih Tzu

This Chinese Tibetan breed is highly appreciated in Eastern culture.  It is an excellent guardian despite its small size. It arose from a cross between a Pekinese and a  Lhasa Apso  and one of its main characteristics is that it has a long, thin coat, especially on the face (including the beard and mustache). Docile, sociable, affectionate, always alert and suspicious of strangers, the Shih Tzu is another brachycephalic dog.


  1. Pekingese

This ancient breed originated in the Chinese capital, Beijing, and derives from the woolly dogs of Tibet. For centuries they were only pets of the Imperial Family and the High Nobility and their export was prohibited.  The first specimens were taken to Europe by Queen Victoria, of England, in 1860. Pekinese do not bark in excess, even though they are a good guardian, they like the comfort of home, they don’t like exercise (they don’t need it in excess either) and can’t stand being alone.

  1. Lhasa Apso

The last breed of brachycephalic dogs is also oriental and of Tibetan origin. It is characterized by its long coat around the head, like a miniature lion. In your country, they are symbols of good luck and favorites of monks.  Small in size, the Lhasa Apso requires continuous brushing and its coat can be golden, black, sand, honey, white or gray.

Main image source: Ltshears

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