Stimulate Your Dog’s Sense Of Smell

Stimulate your dog's sense of smell

Of all the senses a dog relies on, smell is one of the most spectacular, so stimulating your dog’s sense of smell is very important, as it allows the dog to smell and sniff any kind of thing from great distances, which is why which is normal to see them carrying out security work, such as the work of anti-pyromaniac dogs and rescue dogs.

Although this impressive ability is something innate, there are some dogs that, due to different types of problems, can have deficiencies in their sense of smell. That’s why it’s important to help them stimulate and develop their sense of smell, through a series of actions that, far from being torture, are extremely fun for both you and your little four-legged friend.

These are some games that will stimulate your dog’s sense of smell and also his mental agility, so this is an authentic two-in-one, that your furry companion will certainly take away. In this they are the best.

make him look for a person

dog sniffing

This is an extremely fun exercise, it consists of making your dog find a person who has hidden, since, as he cannot see her, the only way to fulfill the exercise’s objective is to use his sense of smell.

It is important to point out that this kind of game should be done with a person the dog already knows and whom he trusts, since otherwise he will not have much interest in looking for her.

Even so, it is essential that this exercise is done outdoors, and that the person in question uses some perfume, giving the dog something he likes a lot with the same smell as the perfume, in order to facilitate the identification of the smell, since in case a dog has not yet fully developed its sense of smell, this will be of great help.

Evidently this is an exercise that should be repeated several times, so that the animal’s olfactory capacity can be stimulated, so it is recommended that the person who is to be found is very affectionate with the dog once the game is over.

Hide food in some parts of the house

As everyone knows, the dog is an animal that loves to eat, so using food in games related to the development of your sense of smell will be of great help to efficiently fulfill the objective.

He will use his nose to get the treats, although he can’t smell them perfectly, we know that he is not only wanting to please his owner, but also wanting to eat a treat and fulfill his goal.

Considering that in this exercise your dog will have his nose close to the floor, the best way to stimulate his sense of smell is to place food in areas that are taller than him, such as on a chair or on the refrigerator.

Hiding your favorite toy is the best way to stimulate your dog’s sense of smell

dog playing with ball

If there’s something a dog loves, almost as much as its owner, it’s its toy, as not only does it always play with it whenever it wants to, but it also helps to distract itself and soothe the stress it’s under, the that will prevent him from developing problems such as anxiety or depression.

That’s why if you want to stimulate your dog’s sense of smell, the best game you can play with him is hiding this object, as your dog will try to look for it in all possible ways, among these ways, sniffing, since for having its own scent, it can easily detect the object using its sense of smell.

That’s why, just as with food, you should hide your dog’s favorite toy in a relatively difficult place, so that he makes the most effort with his sense of smell, and so you can develop it, in the case of your dog has not yet developed it due to different problems.

With this series of fun games, your dog will be able to perfect this incredible skill, which will be very important for every aspect of his life.

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