Most Famous Hunting Dogs: Hamilton Hound

Most Famous Hunting Dogs: Hamilton Hound

Hamilton’s bloodhound is a strong, well-proportioned animal that is quite popular as a hunting dog. His balanced temperament and disposition are some of his most prized characteristics. Want to know more about this adorable dog? So read on.

Hamilton Hound Origins

In the year 1789, hunting with bloodhounds was considered a privilege reserved only for the upper classes.

Until the 18th century, ordinary people were not allowed to have bloodhounds. It was from that moment on that various mixtures of races began to appear in countries like Switzerland and Germany.

The origin of the Hamilton hound (or Hamiltonstövare, as it is called in Swedish),  goes back to the canine exhibitions that took place in Sweden around 1886.

Duke Adolf Patrik Hamilton was the owner of a couple of animals considered “parents” of this breed.

It was only in 1921 that the breed standard appeared, year in which it also gained the name Hamiltonstövare, since before these dogs were known only as “Swedish Hound”.

This breed has become quite popular in Swedish popular culture. In the Nordic country,  there is a tale in which an elf, accompanied by a Hamiltonstövare named Karo, helps housewives with household chores.

Characteristics and morphology

With a rectangular and proportional appearance, Hamilton’s bloodhound is within group 6 of breeds of the International Cynological Federation (FCI).

Hamilton's Hound

Its head is broad and it has tricolor spots all over its body. 

Regarding the dimensions of dogs of this breed, we can say that males measure between 53 and 61 centimeters in height (although the ideal size for breeders is 57 centimeters), while females oscillate between 49 and 57 centimeters.

As mentioned at the beginning of the text, this animal has a tricolor coat that should be short and soft, especially in the region around the ears and head.

The hair will be coarser on the back of the legs and under the tail. The most common colors are white, rust red and black.

Exercises and care

Like any self-respecting hunting dog, Hamilton’s bloodhound needs more than a day or two to burn off all the energy he has.

A minimum of one hour of strenuous exercise each day is recommended in spacious, safe places where he can run freely without a leash.

Without adequate exercise, it will likely exhibit the typical destructive behavior  attributed to animals that move less than necessary.

With regard to coat care, this breed has a double layer of hair that requires only a weekly brushing.

However, the  Hamilton bloodhound is a strong, healthy breed with no associated hereditary disease. 

The main concern of those who own one of these dogs should be to exercise and train the animal so that it is always active, in addition to making sure that the diet contains all the necessary nutrients.

Some keys to training a hunting dog

To conclude, we will present some key points for training hound dogs that can be very useful for the future owner of a Hamilton hound.

  • The training of any animal, whether for hunting or as a simple way to incorporate certain discipline into its routine, must be based on positive reinforcement, making the experience pleasant and beneficial for the animal.
  • The dog’s socialization should be as smooth a process as possible,  so that he gets used to receiving and following orders from the owner.
  • Make sure training takes place in natural conditions and not just on tracks or other facilities. It is very important that the animal gets used to the presence of wind, fangs, odors…
  • Be very patient. To achieve a goal, it takes time and work, especially if we are looking for good results.

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