5 Breeds Of Tracking Dogs

These hunting dogs have a much more developed sense of smell than others. And it is thanks to this characteristic that they identify their prey with great precision.
5 breeds of tracking dogs

Within the category of hunting dogs, we can find the hounds, whose sense of smell is more developed than in the others. Tracking dogs can be of different sizes and are also used extensively in rescues. Want to know more about them? So keep reading as we’ll tell you everything!

Meet the Tracking Dogs

As the name implies,  tracking dogs have as their main “activity” sniffing everything. Although this happens with all breeds, since dogs use their sense of smell to identify food or danger, it is a fact that hounds have their own characteristics. Among them is the presence of an extremely wide muzzle:

1. Beagle

When we think of a hound dog, the first thing we think of is a beagle. This small or medium sized breed is used to track hares and rabbits, thanks to its great olfactory ability and tracking instinct.

Although the beagle – the photo that opens this article – has existed for thousands of years, it  was bred and developed in England as a companion dog in the fields, since the 16th century.  The beagle is closely related to Elizabethan times, as the queen was a true breed fanatic.

2. Basset Hound

It is another of the most famous dog breeds in the world. It is recognized by its short paws, long ears, elongated body and very powerful sense of smell. It was created in France in the late 19th century by crossing an English dog with a bloodhound. It soon became the preferred race among the noble classes.

5 breeds of tracking dogs

The basset hound is a very quiet and friendly animal, although it is also a bit stubborn. It is a loyal, affectionate and playful breed, especially when there are children at home. He loves to spend hours sleeping and eating and may be a little lazy to exercise. You can develop overweight if you don’t walk enough.

3. Dog of Saint Humberto

The bloodhound – its name in English – is one of the biggest tracking dogs and with the most developed sense of smell. Cases are known in which one of these animals followed tracks longer than 15 days. It is one of the most chosen breeds for tracking by the police of several countries.

5 breeds of tracking dogs

The dog of Santo Humberto – after the monastery of the same name in Belgium – emerged from the crossing of several hunting breeds and was soon taken to England by King Guillermo. Among the main characteristics of the breed we can highlight that it  has a large, wrinkled head, wide ears, short brown or black hair and strong legs, as well as its body.

4. English Foxhound

Much like the beagle, although a little taller, the English foxhound is descended from the dog of Santo Humberto. Its main function is to accompany hunters on horseback. This dog is characterized by being very resistant: it can walk many kilometers without getting tired.

5 breeds of tracking dogs

It is not common for a dog of this breed to be chosen as a pet. He prefers the company of other dogs. Among its physical characteristics, we can highlight that its coat is short and tricolor (white, black and brown), has droopy ears, like all bloodhounds, and weighs an average of 40 kilos.

5. Gascony blue basset

The last of the tracking dogs on our list is of French origin and in very rare situations is seen outside that country. It is one of six internationally recognized types of basset hounds.

5 breeds of tracking dogs

The blue basset from Gascony has short legs, an elongated body, a long tail and medium ears that fall over the shoulders. Its name contains “blue” thanks to the characteristic tone of its coat. A breed very similar to this is the little blue Gascony bloodhound, which is taller than the basset and with larger legs.

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