When Does Scolding Lead To Bad Behavior In Dogs?

When does scolding lead to bad behavior in dogs?

Much is said  about education here the one of the c The es, but there is rarely talk about how this education should be imparted. There is a very fine line between runs. here o and other types of The çõ are you that can be harmful to your pet. here o, that’s how we count when a reprimand leads to bad behavior in our hearts. The es.

IT’S important, how  in the brood here the children’s W as, scold the pets here o when they act inappropriately. from contra The river is are you consider frog r am that acts here O It’s appropriate and will continue  committing the act more often and ance. Per It’s m, punish her here o must be proportionate and never excessive.

Establish a strategy

dog training

I usually punish her here of there Silica corresponds to a disability or The  does not exist and ance of a strategy It’s magic that lets you end with the bad guys h The bits . So the best It’s  develop one that allows your pet here understand him when he is  doing an improper thing.

IT’S very important that your pet here associate it with a certain repression  with yy here what you have committed. Therefore, this should be a little repetitive and happen the moment the c The o make the mistake.

Some strategies It’s languages ​​that can be used :

  • Use your voice saying a strong NO ! The C The you’re not The understand words, but understand states of The mood and the different tones, which It’s a form similar to the language of growls.
  • Use something that does W to a lot of noise , for example, a rolled up newspaper, but not The O use  to hit c The o, but in  some surface there cie for the animal to be  surprised.
  • Use your body language, try to make him understand when you do  something you  don’t like and surround him  walking in the right here his and picking up the pace .
  • Fan W where he lies on his back . est The It’s the way the c The you demonstrate submissive The O  before the owners.
  • use the booster W the positive when the c The do it  something good.

Encouraging bad behavior

clicker training

The punishments f there physical or excessive tend to hurt self-confidence. W your pet’s here o and make him distrust you . For example, one of the most common forms of misconduct motivated by excessive reprimands occurs. The  about where he should urinate.

Many caregivers often lose their nerves when they get sick. The o, especially if he It’s adult , urine or defecation where not The o must . Per It’s m, the use of  viola and ance or screams create in them  a fear of making needs in front of the caregiver , that’s why the problem ends up getting worse, because the c The the hide The  to do the necessities.

In this case what should be done   It’s mark the spaces W the where the c The the can urinate , for example, using newsprint soaked in the pr. O urine and leaving him  on the foot The uncle or where you determine that you can do and it . Every time you see the c The where not pissing The o must, pick it up and take it to It’s the place you and  destined for the needs of the dog . this take The longer, but it will reach the  better long-term results.

Similarly, It’s important to determine the origin of certain conducts . For example, many of the destructive attitudes or excessive barking that pets develop here o originates from a state of accumulation here the of stress or of t It’s hate.

Instead of reprimanding him,  try it  take you to walk around or play with him. Spend quality time with your pet here o, whereas, a c The the tired usually stay  quieter than a c The what has accumulated energy.

The same happens with the aggressiveness . this many times It’s O result of bad processes of education, of enclosure, mistreatment or isolation . leave your c The playing with other pets here o, take him out often and and let him meet other humans. that create The a c The the most sociable  and balanced.

In general, the base of the  educate here the canine is found in the effort W the one of positive attitudes ,  whether with food, toys or caresses. There is a wide variety of m. It’s all education  and training that you can consult, so n The Do not hesitate to ask an expert  or your vet The River.

The most important thing in this process It’s your patient and ance, rigor and firmness, but  affection also plays a very important role. Remember that everything has a measure and think that the reprimands you give your pet here o must be well justified.

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