How To Calm A Puppy’s Crying

How to calm a puppy's crying

Knowing how to calm a puppy’s crying is essential to taking care of the new family member  without losing a night’s sleep.

So today we’ll look at  8 tips that will help you prevent and control your puppy’s insecurity in his  new home.

1. Respect the weaning age

It is very common not to respect the weaning age in the pet buying and selling market. Puppies are often separated from their mother around 10 days of age. However, this should only happen from 2 to 3 months.

This practice has consequences for the puppy’s physical and emotional balance. This is because the animal does not receive the nutrients and antibodies necessary to fully develop its immune system. In other words, he will be vulnerable, mainly, to viral infections and intestinal parasites.

owner caressing the puppy

Source: Hugo A. Quintero G.

In addition,  the puppy will feel insecure when he is abruptly separated from his mother. In this way, he may be anxious or afraid of a radical change in the environment.

When choosing to buy a purebred dog, it is important to choose well. The ideal is to look for a responsible establishment that respects the minimum weaning of 45 to 60 days. 

In the case of adoption,  the shelter will be able to inform about the animal’s age. In the case of a puppy less than 2 months old, it is important to ask the veterinarian for advice regarding its feeding.

2. See the veterinarian and ask him to perform some tests on the puppy.

It is true that  most puppies cry at night, due to insecurity. But it is important to rule out any organic cause.

Puppies often have a vulnerable immune system. He may also experience cramps or cramps due to the growth phase. The veterinarian will examine the animal and recommend the appropriate tests to ascertain its health status.

In the case of discarded animals, it is even more important to check their clinical status. Most abandoned puppies come into contact with many potentially dangerous microorganisms.

3. Vaccination and deworming

If you are going to buy a puppy, it must come with a health certificate, the vaccination card and the deworming done. It is important to make sure these precautions have been taken and signed off by a veterinarian. The same is true for dogs adopted and rescued from shelters.

On the other hand, if you rescue a dog on the street, it is essential to immediately take him to the veterinarian for  preventive medicine.

4. Clean up the environment

Cleaning up the environment is a fundamental measure to prevent and calm the puppy’s crying. When planning to buy or adopt a best friend, it is important to prepare the home for their arrival.

The first thing you should take into consideration is the air conditioning of the environment. Puppies are not yet able to regulate their body temperature. It is recommended to keep the room temperature between 20 and 24ºC and avoid direct sunlight and humidity.

It is important that you provide a bedding, drinking bowl and feeding bowl that are compatible with the size of the animal. It’s also important to organize the puppy’s space in a clean, quiet place.

Although home hygiene needs to be reinforced,  this does not mean that you should use excessive chemicals. Mainly where the animal rests and eats. Your small organism is more likely to be intoxicated and to generate allergic processes.

5. Gradual adaptation

Adaptation is a process and each animal has its own rhythm. You should not force your puppy to interact with the environment, other people or other animals. When he starts to feel secure, he will take the initiative himself.

What you can do is help your puppy feel encouraged to explore his new home. Offer him toys, give him treats or just share a little affection with him.

It is recommended to take the puppy for the first time during the morning. The darkness of night can make you more insecure in an unfamiliar place.

6. Simulate the presence of the mother

Almost all puppies cry due to their mother’s sudden separation. So,  to calm a puppy’s crying, you can simulate the presence of its mother. 

A good tactic to calm the animal during its first nights alone is to  offer some object with the mother’s scent, however, this is not always possible to be done.

Another trick is to leave a clock near or under your bed. The puppy will associate the tick of the clock with his mother’s heartbeat. This will give the animal a more peaceful night’s sleep.

7. Use pheromones

Another alternative  to calm a puppy’s crying at night is to  administer pheromones directly or indirectly. 

puppy lying in bed receiving affection

A non-invasive option is pheromone diffusers. They are small devices that apply light doses of this synthetic hormone to the air. This creates a feeling of security in the animal.

8. Restrain the urge to comfort and calm the animal’s crying

If you go to him immediately and let him go to your bed to sleep with you whenever he cries, you can make it an undesirable routine.

Once all illnesses have been ruled out and the environment is set to receive you, it is important to contain the urge to comfort the animal’s crying. It may sound cruel, but it is the beginning of an adequate education that will establish the codes of social coexistence.

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