Pascal’s Recovery

Pascal's recovery

We often hear of very sad stories of animal abuse. Fortunately, several of them have a happy ending, such as the one shown below. Discover the surprising story of the recovery of Pascal, a puppy that had been smeared with glue and clay.

Pascal, the cub who survived a vicious attack and showed a surprising recovery


This cute little dog with a face that makes everyone fall in love lived a horrible nightmare. He was almost on the verge of death due to the “armor” that had formed in his body. The puppy was attacked by a group of children who thought it was fun to stuff him with glue and then rub him in the mud and grass.

The good thing is that the NGO He’Art of Rescue (from Turkey) took him in and saved his life. Immediately, on social networks, the evolution of the puppy was shown during the weeks that the treatment lasted. What happened to Pascal is beyond imaginable limits. You can’t believe how human beings can be so cruel to an animal.

Pascal suffered extreme skin damage from the chemical burns he suffered. Also, the chemicals have “penetrated” into the blood. When drying, the glue became a second skin, harder than cement, not allowing blood to circulate in various parts of the body.

When he arrived at the shelter, the poor thing was so scared that he hid from people in the darkest corner he could find. The association dedicated to stray dogs in critical conditions showed through the YouTube channel how the process of removing this second skin was, which was causing necrosis in his ears.

Although the images are quite strong, because the dog suffers with each intervention, the truth is that Pascal was improving from week to week. After a general checkup, he was diagnosed with canine parvovirus. In addition, he also had to be treated for this very violent intestinal virus that kills dogs.

Check out the video:

Without a doubt, this cub is a great warrior. At 8 days, it had already started to feed, and that was a good sign. After they had shaved all of his fur, he began to show a slight improvement. A few weeks later, the NGO claimed that Pascal’s recovery was miraculous. And now we can see him healthy, with his fur grown and eager to play and have fun with other dogs in the shelter.


Three puppies are covered with tar

This horrible and disgusting incident took place in Cartagena, Spain. The images of the three puppies filled with pitch moved the country. One of the photos shows one of the babies looking at the camera. In it you cannot distinguish the eyes or the nose from so much sticky substance on your body.

The story is shocking: someone decided to throw them into an animal puddle in the middle of the field. But thanks to the intervention of neighbors and the El Portalico dog shelter in Cartagena, it was possible to save two of them (the third, unfortunately, died).

According to what the municipal secretary of “Podemos” in the Murcian city indicated, Teresa Sánchez, she herself helped in cleaning the dogs, as soon as they were rescued. To get their tar off, they spent the entire night scrubbing their bodies with oil, detergent, and hot water.

After several hours, they managed to remove as much of the substance as possible. His eyes and skin were very irritated. In addition, they had to undergo an analysis to see if the tar had caused damage to the kidneys and liver. The good news is that the pets are recovering, although the fat from the tar remains in their bodies.

Despite having suffered in their own skin what human evil is capable of causing, both are eager to live. In addition, they were baptized with the names of Chapa and Pote. And today they are more and more beautiful, waiting for a family to adopt them and offer them a home full of love.

Image source: http://ep02.epimg, https//, https// and httprd//

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