How To Have Fun With Your Dog In The Summer?

In summer, due to the high temperatures, we need to pay more attention to our pets. For example, your paws and ears are especially vulnerable areas at this time. More than seeing this season as dangerous, you have to transform everything and see it as ideal for having fun with your dog in the summer.

Things to do with your dog in summer: the beach

Just as with us humans, dogs are also very fond of bathing. At least most of them. Water is essential as it helps them to cool off. So, if you have a beach close by, don’t hesitate to take your dog for a run on the sand and bathe in the sea, always respecting the rules in force.

The ideal time is the first hour in the morning or late afternoon, in order not to disturb the rest of the people on the beach. In some places, such as Barcelona, ​​dogs are allowed access at any time of day on certain beaches.

According to the city, there will be beaches with a schedule, beaches for dogs only or beaches for people only. If you don’t have a beach nearby, there’s no excuse; even on the porch, or even in a rubber pool, our friend will surely have fun jumping in the water.

If we have a swimming pool at home, we shouldn’t deprive ourselves of playing with our pet. There are many types of games to play with your dog in the summer, playing balls for them to fetch, playing in the water with him, etc.

a day in the mountains

A good hike or mountain hiking route is a great way to interact with your dog in the summer. Exercise, fresh air and the ability to allow dogs to do what they want, discover new scents, etc.

night walks

The daily walk with the dog is almost mandatory. But in the summer season it is best to do it during the cooler hours. And this time is early in the morning or at night. If we decide to have a drink at an outdoor bar, there will probably be no impediments for the dog to accompany us in these areas, as long as it is on a leash and tied up.

Hangouts with other dogs

Another good idea is to meet other dog owners to perform all these outdoor activities, such as mountain hikes. Dogs will love to bond with each other.

Water parks for dogs

There are several water parks. If you live near Barcelona, ​​there’s one of them there. In Brunete, Madrid, another was recently opened. In these environments, the pleasure of dogs and their owners with them will be maximum. Everything is geared towards them, there are pools for small dogs and also for the larger furry ones. There are also mini slides, etc.


If we want to take a trip with our furry friend, the first step is to check if the hotel or apartment in our destination allows the entry of pets. There are more and more establishments that allow the stay of pets, some even have specific facilities, such as nurseries or spaces for dogs and cats.

How to take a trip with our dog? The most practical way is with a proper cage, which you place on your seat or in the trunk. If it is not possible to use the carrier for any reason whatsoever, the animal must be secured securely with a specific harness, tied to the vehicle’s seat belt.

During the trip, approximately every two hours, it is necessary to take a break  for the dog to drink water, take care of his needs, stretch his paws, etc. Avoid leaving it inside the vehicle. If we do this to have a drink, it is essential that the vehicle is in the shade with the windows slightly open, to avoid the dreaded heat stroke, which can bring very unpleasant consequences and even the animal’s death.

a cooking session

Making recipes for our dog, with natural ingredients and lots of affection, is another ideal way to have fun during the summer vacation. There are many things we can make, from cookies, ice cream, pancakes, cookies, etc. We’re going to have a lot of fun cooking and then watching our friend try everything. The ideal is to use natural products, but we also have to have some guarantee that they will like it. For example, with some delicious chicken biscuits.

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