The Treat That Will Make Your Cat Euphoric

The treat that will make your cat euphoric

Having a pet is having an extra member of the family, and we want to take care of and pamper him often. It seems that it is easier to satisfy and make happy a dog than a cat, as it is enough to give him a small piece of food or take him to the street, for him to demonstrate an unparalleled joy. But the feline will be delighted with this treat we’ll tell you about.

There are also little things that can make our cats euphoric. But maybe they don’t express their happiness so visibly. Well, there is an herb that has the effect of candy and will leave your cat in ecstasy. It is known as catnip. We will tell you all about her.

Catnip, a very special treat

plant cat

Her scientific name is Nepeta Cataria, or commonly known as cat mint. Many factories manipulate and market it, being known as Catnip.

Interestingly, it doesn’t belong to the broadleaf basil or mint family, but neither does it belong to the lavender or thyme family, because of that, it usually grows in dry places. The leaves are perennial and pointed and sprout beautiful yellowish flowers.

If a cat sees one, even if you don’t recognize it, it will snap it up without thinking. It may be that its mint odor, hence its name, is what attracts the attention of the pussies, but, in any case, this herb causes effects on them, let’s say “strange”.

The effect of catnip treat on pussies

In the beginning, when consuming it, cats become playful, as a dog would when giving it treats. However, if he continues to consume the plant, his behavior becomes… less discreet.

They start rolling on the floor in a compulsive way, they jump higher than usual, they play hunting without prey… it ‘s as if all his senses were activated. The curious thing is that they will last 30 minutes without caring about the plant. Anyone would say it’s a “legalized feline drug”.

This is the general reaction that cats have, however, there are other cats that are totally relaxed, looking lost and making strange noises, although this fact is scientifically proven and corroborated.

Why does this herb cause these effects in cats?

A reasonable explanation could be the main component that contains this treat, which is nepetalactone. It is a compound very similar, chemically, to feline urine, something that could attract the attention of these animals.

Another reason could be that, it seems, this plant is related to a type of pheromone linked to mating, which is why most of the cats attracted by the herb are female. Although, interestingly, neutered cats are also attracted to this natural treat.

The positive effect that the herb causes in cats is known by industries focused on pets, which use part of its essence to put it in toys, beds and other products.

It can be very useful for training a cat to sleep in his bed, poop in the litter box, and scratch his scratching toy instead of scratching furniture. Furthermore, it will be an ideal complement to positive reinforcement.

Does it have negative effects?


Yes it does. They say that everything in excess is bad and, in the case of this plant, it would be no different. Because it’s something of a treat for them, overeating can gorge them and cause an upset stomach.

In addition, it can make them overexcited and even make them aggressive if they consume too much.

However, if you take the necessary steps, you won’t find a natural treat for your cat better than this one. Her properties will give you a feeling of happiness and peace, as your cat will be elated and make him like you even more. Do not doubt it and look for it, whether natural or commercial, your feline will love it!

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