Situations That Create Confusion In Your Dog

Situations that create confusion in your dog

When we live with our dogs, there are a series of events and mistakes that we make that usually generate confusion in their heads, something that is extremely delicate as it can affect your relationship and coexistence with them.

If you don’t want that to happen, here we’ll introduce you to the actions that most confuse dogs so that you can learn to avoid unpleasant situations with your beloved animal.

Do not let him get close to something or someone

man holding dog

A very common situation for those who have a four-legged friend is when their little friend feels a lot of desire to approach another person, another dog or some object that simply calls their attention. At such times, we tend to control them with the collar or prohibit approaching.

What is a real surprise is that these actions, far from being what you expected, result in our pets’ increased anxiety and willingness  to get closer to the object that is catching their attention, which generates a great deal of confusion in your head when you notice that your owner is forbidding you instead of encouraging your desire.

In this scenario the most recommended is to use some order already learned previously to prevent him from committing this or other actions you do not want. That’s why it is necessary to train him as a puppy to avoid problems of this type in the future.

Be affectionate with them when they are scared or nervous

It happens to all of us that when our puppy is very scared or nervous, we decide to treat them with great care and attention to make them understand that we are with them and we will help them to overcome these bad times.

However,  this is the worst action we can take, not only because that way they will interpret that we are treating you that way because something dangerous is happening,  but also because they will see our gestures as a celebration of that moment of terror they are experiencing, which can sometimes generate violent reactions on your part.

If you notice that your little companion is quite scared or nervous about something in particular, the best action you can take is to treat him normally, as if nothing is happening. This naturalness on our part will make him feel that nothing bad is happening, and so he will feel much more relaxed.

Greet when you arrive and say goodbye when you leave

One of the most common actions we take with our dogs is to greet them with great enthusiasm when we get home and say goodbye to them affectionately when we should leave, as it is no secret that dogs are special beings that make our lives happier. and fill us with tenderness.

What’s surprising is that even though it’s something we do with the best of intentions, it often creates a terrible mess in our dear companions, and it only intensifies the sadness they feel when we’re away, which can lead to to depression.

Scolding when he doesn’t respond can lead to confusion


When it’s difficult for our pet to respond to our calls, one of the actions we tend to take is to reprimand them when they finally come, or pick them up to also punish them when they don’t care, and we have no choice but to is going to them.

Unlike the previous cases, we all know that this is something that will affect our dog’s emotional state and will be of no use, however, we continue to do this for lack of patience.

What should be done to not confuse our dear friend is to help him to be more obedient and reward him every time we are paid attention, as this is one of the best incentives there is to train him properly.

By avoiding these actions, you will be able to effectively deliver your message to your dog and will be able to keep him from getting into a state of confusion and restlessness.

Image credits: Mark.

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