Differences Between Hares And Rabbits

Despite their great similarities, the truth is that these mammals differ not only in their morphology, but also in terms of behavior and character. Also, one of the two is easier to tame than the other.
Differences between Hares and Rabbits

You might think they are the same, but there are several differences between hares and rabbits. Would you like to know what they are? In this article, we’ll tell you the characteristics of each species and how they differ.

Characteristics of hares and rabbits

With more than 30 species worldwide, hares are mammals of the Leporidae  family  , which are characterized by: long ears, running speed and the ability to reproduce continuously.

Furthermore, young animals can feed on their own from birth.

The  rabbits also belong to the same family. However, their body is covered with thick, woolly fur and they have incisors that grow constantly.

Therefore, they need to wear their teeth on solid food and often live in pairs or alone, inside burrows that can be quite complex.

Differences between Hares and Rabbits

After making the relevant introductions, the next step is to describe the differences between hares and rabbits:

  1. Size

For a start,  hares are bigger than rabbits, and that includes their ears and legs, which are longer. 

The hares’ limbs allow them to run long distances in a short amount of time. Rabbits, on the other hand, use their hind legs to ‘boost’ the ground, if they are angry or need to defend themselves.

girl with bunny

  1. defense mechanism

Hares and rabbits are eaten by almost the same predators (mostly carnivores and birds of prey), but they defend themselves against danger in a completely different way.

The hares flee at high speed, taking advantage of their long legs to tire the opponent.

  1. Pregnancy and reproduction

The “pregnancy” of hares is longer than that of rabbits: it lasts 42 days, instead of 30.  The descendants of the first ones are already fully developed at birth, they are born with fur and eyes open.

The opposite happens with rabbits, which come out of their mother’s womb without being able to walk or regulate their temperature.

  1. Home

Although both species live in burrows, the truth is that rabbits have greater abilities as engineers, builders and architects.

They dig admirable underground galleries  where they have their young, shelter from danger and sleep during the day.

  1. Sociability

While hares are quite solitary animals,  they only ‘join’ when it’s time to mate or in the first few days after the female gives birth.

Rabbits, on the other hand, often live in groups or colonies with a greater or lesser number of individuals, according to the abundance of food. In these groups, there is a dominant male, who must fight to reach his post.


  1. Can the two be a pet?

Rabbits are generally chosen as pets in many homes due to their quiet behavior, small size, tenderness and docility.

Although hares can be domesticated, the truth is that their wild instincts are much stronger.

Also, it  ‘s harder to get a hare at a pet store, rather than a rabbit. On the other hand, to have a hare at home, we must have a large area that allows it to run freely.

On the other hand, if we choose a rabbit, there are dwarf species that are better adapted to terrariums or cages.

Finally, it should be noted that  there is no difference between hares and rabbits with regard to coat or feed.

Both species can have different colors and feed on fruits, vegetables, leaves and plants.

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