Cat Language Information

Cats’ rough tongue is essential for them to be able to drink water, clean themselves and stay cool.
Cat Language Information

Kittens, these unpredictable and mysterious beings, never cease to amaze us. Therefore, it is not surprising that their mouths also bring us some surprises. Today we are going to tell you some details about the tongue of cats.

Animals with sandpaper tongues

If you’re lucky enough to have your meowing friend demonstrate how much he likes you by licking him, you’ve probably noticed how rough his tongue is. This is because it is full of keratin papillae, which look like little thorns or hooks.

These papillae play an important role in cat grooming. As they are all facing the same direction – towards the back of the mouth – it is easier for them to remove the dead hair or remove the knots.

However, no matter how much effort the animals make in this task, if they have long hair, it is always worth helping them.

This helps to prevent the formation of hairballs. You should also pay attention to excessive cleanliness in cases of stress.

That’s because cats’ tongues can carry a lot of hair up their throats, causing them to end up swallowing.

Even if you manage to eliminate these hairs through feces or vomit, these balls can cause intestinal obstruction and, in some cases, you will need to undergo surgery to resolve the problem.

How pets drink water

Another point that usually draws attention is the way these animals drink water. And this process also has a lot to do with the language, in addition to the force of gravity and fluid dynamics.

how cats drink water

They use a mechanism that allows them to take a good amount of this liquid in the shortest possible time.

Undoubtedly, this is an issue that contributed, above all, to the survival of their wild ancestors. As their mouths have large openings, it is difficult for them to have suction.

Therefore, the animals hit the water with the tip of their tongue and then stand up. Thus, they create a column of water that, before breaking, is ingested.

The papillae and feeding of felines

Cats, as you know, are carnivores. Its teeth are prepared to cut through the flesh and pull it out of the bones of its fangs. But in this process, the tongue buds also play a role.

These little hooks help keep food inside the pet’s mouth, and contribute by pushing it into the throat, allowing the pet to swallow. They also allow cats to scrape flesh from bones.

However, the tongue of cats is not very good at the sense of taste. The catus are generally insensitive, for example, sweet flavors.

cats tongue

Other details about cat tongues

In addition to the hair during grooming, other elements, especially threads, can adhere to the tongue buds of cats and end up causing serious problems for their health. Therefore, it is important to take care of your toys and other objects that are within your reach.

Also, if cats suffer inflammatory processes in the mouth, they usually end up losing some of the papillae. In this case, you will need to help them with their cleaning.

If the pet’s tongue drops out, and the pet is panting heavily, it is possible that it is suffering from heat stroke. In such cases, you need to take him to the vet immediately.

Keep in mind that, among other functions, cats’ tongues allow them to stay cool. When they lick themselves, the moisture that remains on the skin causes a cooling effect by evaporation, similar to human sweat.

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