Brussels Griffon, Small But With Personality

Brussels Griffon, small but with personality

This breed belongs to the group of miniature dogs. Its name is due to its origin in the capital of Belgium. In the following article, we’ll tell you all about the Brussels Griffon, with its beautiful flat snout and its large head in proportion to its body.

Origins and characteristics of the Brussels Griffon

Its “official” name is Griffon Bruxellois. As mentioned before, it originates in the capital of Belgium,  as well as two other breeds: the Belgian Griffon and the Little Brabançon. The three have common ancestors. What’s more, in many cases they are mistaken as if they were of the same race. The only differences between these dogs are their coat colors.

The Griffon of Brussels was in charge, in the past, of hunting rats. Also, despite its small size, to take care of homes. This companion dog has always belonged to the Belgian elite, due to its high cost and value.

The Brussels Griffon’s popularity grew rapidly at home and in Europe. Queen Maria Henriqueta began to venture into the creation and ownership of several examples of the breed. Throughout the 19th century, this breed was crossed with two other foreign breeds: King Charles Spaniel and Carlino (Pug).

The two World Wars that ravaged the continent nearly led to the extinction of the Brussels Griffon. The good news is that many English breeders were able to rescue the breed (although they never regained the same popularity as before).

Currently,  the Brussels Griffon is seen as a companion dog in many cities due to its  small size.

As for its physical appearance, it is a small animal, with a plump body, small ears, thick eyebrows and a short tail. The fur is reddish-blond, wavy and stiff. They can weigh between 3.5 and 4.5 kg. The height varies between 18 and 20 cm.

Its eyes are large, its nose is wide and with wide holes, and its prominent chin, these are some of the main physical characteristics of the Brussels Griffon. This dog has elegant movements, robustness when walking and an almost square profile.

Brussels Griffon Personality and Behavior

In general,  this is an active, brave and alert dog,  which is very attached to a single person (and accompanies them all the time). Some individuals can be a little nervous and suffer from anxiety when they are alone. The Brussels Griffon is friendly, playful and a little shy when he doesn’t know people.

Brussels Griffon

It can be a little difficult to socialize with other dogs. He doesn’t get along with owners who want to dominate them. However, the key is to train them from puppies so that they don’t have problems with anyone.

Furthermore,  the Brussels Griffon has a strong personality. Therefore, it is not recommended for people who cannot pay much attention to pets  (or for those who will have a dog for the first time), as they will want to be by your side at all times. It is also not advisable to spend many hours outside the house or have children in the same house, as he can react badly to sudden movements or noises. Unless the little ones don’t treat you like “a puppet”, it’s not a good idea to take home a Griffon from Brussels.

Brussels Griffon Health

Although it is small in size and adapts well to living inside an apartment, it  is essential to take it for a walk in a park or a spacious place. He needs to play, run and exercise almost daily. Otherwise, you may develop the habit of ruining furniture or other objects in the house.

The Brussels Griffon does not suffer from breed-specific health problems. It is essential to pay attention and comply with periodic eye hygiene. Because they are jumped, they are more prone to injury.

Lastly,  don’t forget to brush your hair two to three times a week. Also remove dead hair every three months.

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